Sunday, March 31, 2019

Trust with ALL your heart

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 NLT

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Going into the Prairie Spirit Trail 100-mile race Saturday, I didn't know what to expect. My training had not gone as planned and the hip pain I had begun experiencing left me deeply concerned. And although I knew without a doubt that God was calling me to be there, I threw up my hands in despair just days before and shouted, "Why God? I just don't understand!" and nearly made the decision to stay home. Oh was I glad I didn't though!! You see, not only had God opened the door for me to say the pre-race prayer, He opened many more doors to share His love with others both on and off the course that day - all opportunities I would have missed had I given up. 

And you know, while I am fully aware that God could have healed me in an instant and allowed me to complete the 100 miles, I am also aware that His ways are not my ways - and that His plans are always better than mine. And His plan for me that day was to give me just enough strength to make it 33 miles and declare His praises to all those around me in spite of my inability to understand the reason why. His plan was for me to surrender my will and to trust Him with all my heart. You see, I’ve learned that it's only when you and I totally trust that God's plans are better than ours that we can forego the human need to understand those plans and allow ourselves to be used as He sees fit.  

So if you're feeling discouraged today, don't despair my friend. Forget trying to figure out why God is allowing something to happen. Instead trust in Him with all your heart, knowing that His plans are always good, always perfect and always what's best for us.

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me that I am your servant. I was bought at a price and my life is not my own. As such, I pray that I, and everyone reading this, would make the decision to stop trying to understand Your ways and to simply accept them - trusting with all our hearts that your plans are better than our own. And then help us Lord to be joyful in any situation we are in that we might be used to do Your good and perfect will. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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