Monday, September 23, 2013

Crocker 5k run/11k challenge

Prerace photo with Hopee
Saturday, September was the Crocker run with registration starting at 7am and the race at 8am. We set up a team413 table to offer TEAM413 merchandise.  This also gives us a way to interact with the runners and share what we're about.  I always count on God to steer me to that one person that He wants me to talk to.  Sometimes it's obvious but other times I don't "see" it.  We are told in Isaiah 55:10-11 that God's Word does not return void. So, I just share what I know and believe and rest in His power knowing that someone will be reached through His words. 

Lara and Zac Kubinski with Abigail Helton

Hope got up with me at 5:45 am to be at the race by 6:30 am.  We were ready by 7:00 a.m.  Spent the morning welcoming and talking to runners.  After the race is when the booth got busy.  Here's some prerace pictures.  A pretty chilly morning in the low 50s. 


                                                               This little girl asked her mother for a shirt and she went inside and changed into it. 


                            A group of kids with their marine recruiter ran with us.  They will be starting basic training in a week.  Loved talking to them.  This young kid immediately changed into his shirt.  I gave my card and talked to their recruiter who expressed interest in training for a spring half marathon.  Love how God brings people together.  I pray these kids were all blessed Saturday. 

Hopee won a pizza at the awards ceremony and had to fight off Luke and his friends to keep it.  Luke ran a 22 minute 5k giving him a 3rd place win.  Hopee walked/ran it and was happy with the way the race went.  I did the 11k challenge and was blessed with a fast and injury free run.  The hills were many and steep, just the way I like them:). 

Be a witness wherever you are.  Be open to what the Spirit wants you to do and don't worry about what to say.  Matthew 10:19 tells us "do not worry about what to say or how to say it.  At that time you will be given what to say."  Even Moses had obstacles but he didn't let it stop him.  What's stopping you?

Exodus 4:10 But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.”

Friday, September 6, 2013

Heart of America Marathon


Started off the Labor Day Weekend with Railroad Days in Crocker where Hopee rode her 4 wheeler in the parade.
My other child, aka my husband Chris, rode his bike in the parade too.  Very hot day.  Left and went swimming in the river!


 Very early start to the day, above!  on the right is after picking up our bibs and packets.  Marathon #35 for me and #6 for Kelly.  Shes an amazing runner and a more amazing friend... the kind who will stop and pray for you no matter what is happening in her life.  So blessed. 

 Chris and Hopee met me at the finish line not long after I was done.  After this many marathons, I don't need a cheerleading team or a support group.  They come only rarely now, so I really love it when they do. I have found that having Jesus with me is all I need though and He is never closer than when I am alone.  I love my family and I know they are a gift from God but He is always first!! He is my portion and my strength.  He is my all in all and my best friend. I have found what it means to be content in any situation.  Whether alone or with my family and friends, He is all I need. 





Me loving on my Hopee.  Notice the lack of shoes.  The hills were a killer!!  The toes took a real beating.. about the usual, lol.  My feet were holding a white flag!  So I set those puppies free!!
Looking forward to the next race.  I know God will sustain me and I welcome the chance to bring Him praise and be a living sacrifice. 

TEAM413 5k

On August 24, we had our second annual Pulaski County Team413 5k.  The two weeks prior to the race, Pulaski county and the surrounding counties experienced floods of unprecedented size.  The downtown area where the race was to be held had bee flooded the week prior.  Westside Baptist served as a relief station and also suffered flooding.  3 days prior to the race, the City of Waynesville called to tell me that the park where the race was to be held was contaminated and the race could not be held there.  Always aware of the devils attacks, this didn't surprise me.  Although the area looked cleaned up....  On to plan "fix it".  The flower shop and the funeral home in downtown Waynesville agreed to let us use their parking lot to hold the race.  Praise God!  After a quick rerouting of the course, we were set.  The Waynesville Funeral Chapel even let us use their electricity for the microphone and music.  What a great day!!!!  All went better than planned and the race was held.  Here are some of the pictures.  The others can be found on our Pulaski county team 413 gracerunner project facebook page.
The Crocker Soccer team "volunteered" (my sons on the team so I had the coach tell them they were volunteering).  Too early in the morning for them.  They were great when I told them that Gramma had bought them donuts!

My son, Luke, aka Lukee, getting a surprise hug attack from Gramma.  As papa watches on.

Sweetie Pie, our mascot, found a friend and supporter of TEAM 413.  She ran the race with my daughter Hope.

Hope posing!

 Kiki came down to help with the race and we had the best time!!!  After the race, we took Kiki to the lake and had a great time.  This weekend was a blessing for sure!  I couldn't ask for better friends.

Praying that we reached someone through all this... planting those seeds.