Monday, March 11, 2019

Declare the greatness of our God

"'Return home and tell how much God has done for you." So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him." Luke 8:39 NIV

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Knowing my close friend was attempting to complete his first ultra-marathon Saturday night at the 12-Hour Racing for Daylight Ultra event, I followed his Facebook page the next day to see if he had been successful. Not seeing anything posted, I contacted him Monday. "Well how did you do?" I asked. To which he replied, "I'm sorry. I did complete the 50k. But it took me ten hours, which is embarrassing for me when I've done a marathon in half that time." Messaging him back I said, "Don't be embarrassed!!! Ultra running is a whole different ballgame. Praise God that you could do it!"  

Can you imagine being able to run 31 miles and then being too embarrassed to tell someone about it? That's a long way and few people will ever to do it, and yet my friend was able to! But he kept silent - feeling only shame at what he perceived to be failure. But isn't that just like the devil? To fill our minds with lies to keep us from telling about the good things God has done for us? Things that have the power to inspire others to see for themselves this "Jesus" who can give us the strength to do the impossible?

So don't fall into the trap of embarrassment my friend. Recognize it for what it is... undue shame used to keep us from proclaiming the greatness of our God. And then thank Him for the things (big and small) He has done through you and for you and tell everyone you know!

Heavenly Father, You are so very good to us. Thank You for giving us the strength to do amazing things in your Name. Things that are worthy of proclaiming to others that they might be inspired to see for themselves this "Jesus" who can perform miracles and grant salvation. Help us to see through the lies the devil whispers and to tell everyone about the greatness of our God. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

Greatness of our God - Newsboys

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