Sunday, March 10, 2019

Be the light

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works," Hebrews 10:24 ESV

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"I just pray that you would stir up affections in our hearts and our minds as we're running along. God would you turn our conversations towards You? Towards how we can be a better witness, how we can reach out and love our neighbor? How we can reach out and be the light in this community or whatever community we're from?" Those were the words spoken by Mike Wells, an avid runner and Pastor, before the beginning of the Racing for Daylight Ultra marathon event to benefit CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) on Saturday. Knowing the runners lined up to start the race were already joined in support of one amazing cause, he invited them (and us) to look for other ways that we, as individuals and as a team, could further show the love of Christ to others.

And truthfully, can there be any better way to "be the light" that leads the lost to Christ than by stirring "up one another" to reach out to our communities? Considering that "stir up" means to kindle afresh or keep in full flame, you can see why it's absolutely essential then for believers to daily discuss and ponder God's will for reaching those in need and ways that we can fill those needs. And most importantly, ways to fan the flames that cause us to burn with love for one another and for those around us. This "love," my friend, is the very thing that will lead you and me to do the "good works" that lead to change in our backyards, neighborhoods, towns and cities. 

So whether we're running together, meeting for Bible study or simply sharing a cup of coffee, may our conversations be turned towards God and ways that we can be a better witness, ways we can better love our neighbor, and ways we can "be the light" to a dark world.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we live in a sinful world. A dark world in need of the light that every Christian carries but few are willing to share. Help us to look for ways to make that light burn within us and those around us that we might lead people to the foot of the Cross. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Ready, Set, Go - Royal Tailor

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