Sunday, January 31, 2021

Know the costs

"Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.'" Matthew 8:19-20 NIV

"As runners, we generally focus on logging weekly miles via long runs and speedwork," Runner's World Magazine said in an article published on January 26. But with coronavirus restrictions limiting gym access and many of us working from home, we often find ourselves turning to daily walks for movement and mental clarity. To make those hard strolls more interesting and inviting, Apple just launched Time to Walk, a series of walks narrated by famous people. The walks are not guided workouts, but more like an interactive podcast paired with movement. As you walk, the narrator shares personal stories that include their connection to certain songs. If a visual is mentioned, your watch will ping with a photo of it to guide you through what you are hearing. At the end, you’ll get a short playlist of the songs mentioned in case you’d like to continue your walk.

And you know, when it comes to making something hard more interesting and inviting, there are many churches in our world right now that are saying and doing whatever it takes to get people inside their doors and increase their church numbers--including downplaying the cost of following Jesus. But you can be sure that the Bible makes no guarantees that those who follow Jesus will have health, wealth or a life of ease. In fact, when a teacher of the law came to Jesus saying, "I will follow you wherever you go," Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." Make no mistake my friend--Jesus certainly wanted the man to follow Him, but He wanted the man to know the costs before making the decision. Why? Because Jesus wanted the man to follow Him for the right reasons and to be prepared for the repercussions of that decision lest he quickly fall away. 

So in our effort to lead the lost to the foot of the Cross, let us not neglect telling them that following Jesus will be hard and will cost them everything in this life; the benefits of which, we can also tell them, will be reaped for eternity. Oh what a joy it is to surrender all to follow Jesus!

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that the words of Jesus should never be diluted, deleted or dismissed for any reason. Help us to bold in speaking the whole Truth of the Bible to a world in desperate need of hearing it Lord. May Your words spoken through us inspire the lost to seek You. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Seize the opportunities

"Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith." Galatians 6:10 NLT

Several years ago while attending a Race Director Conference in Kansas City, I had the blessing of meeting Dave McGillivray, the long-time race director of the Boston Marathon. And let me tell you, Dave is one amazing guy. He not only organizes the most iconic and prestigious 26.2 mile race on the planet but is always looking for opportunities to make the world a better place. So it certainly came as no surprise to learn that he and his amazing team were putting their energy into aiding vaccine efforts. “Our mission is more important now than it has been the last 40 years of doing events,” McGillivray said. “The virus knocked us to knees or knocked us out almost entirely, but we’re fighting, we’re saving lives, and keeping people healthy and bringing our own industry back. The comeback is always stronger than the setback. That’s what we’re into right now.”

And you know, while the COVID virus has most definitely wreaked death and destruction in our world, it has also created a unique set of circumstances for Christians to do good to others, something the Bible says we should do "whenever we have the opportunity." You see, while trials and hardships are hard, they are the very things that drive people to seek comfort and peace; the true comfort and peace that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Which is why times of difficulty are the times when we, as believers, should be looking for ways to help others, thereby showing them the love of the Savior and inspiring them to seek Him for themselves. 

So be on the lookout for things you can do today to make the world a better place my friend, starting with your little piece of it. It could be something as simple as bringing groceries to an older person who is afraid to go to the store for themselves or volunteering to help where help is needed. But don't worry if you don't see an opportunity right away, pray for one and see what happens. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that hard times give Your children a chance to shine brightly. Help us to see the opportunities around us to be Your hands and feet Lord, and to be obedient and willing to grasp those opportunities in an effort to show people Your love. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Crazy is the ultimate compliment

"If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit." 2 Corinthians 5:13 NLT

While the great majority of people who woke up to the see the snow falling heavily to the ground early yesterday morning were glad they could stay inside their warm homes or places of employment, lunatic runners everywhere were frantically slipping on their trail shoes and heading out the door as quickly as they could with a smile on their face. I know I was! And I can't even begin to tell you how many bemused looks and comments I received because of my passionate love for running in blizzard like conditions. Apparently I wasn't the only runner who left people bewildered either. Many of my friends were talking about it and my long-time running friend, Randy, even posted about what he heard while out for his winter adventure and his reaction, "'You gotta be about half crazy!" Little did he know that's the ultimate runner compliment... slipping and sliding through a winter wonderland made for a great 10K run! Now time to soak up a hot shower and some wood heat." And why is being called crazy the ultimate compliment to us runners? Because it's proof that we don't conform to society. 

And you know, when it comes to being called crazy, the Bible tells us that Paul, like Jesus, was frequently thought to be out of his "right mind" due to his extreme and uncompromising zeal for the truth and his paramount passion to live for the Lord and unabashedly share the gospel with the lost; even at the expense of poverty, imprisonment and persecution. Which means, as Paul knew, being called crazy for the sake of Christ isn't an insult at all! In fact, it's the ultimate compliment a believer could ever receive because it's proof that they aren't conforming to society or anything contrary to the absolute truths laid out in the Bible. 

So let us strive to be known as "crazy" and radically different from the great majority because of our burning passion for Jesus Christ today my friends. And let us, like Paul, be willing to put aside the comforts and pursuits of this world to pursue only those things that "bring glory to God." 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that crazy people stand out from society. And since we as Christians are to be set apart, let us welcome being called "crazy" because of our passion to know You and to make Your great name known! Help us to shine Your light so brightly into this dark world Lord that the lost would be drawn to You. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 

Now let's get started by talking about something that's important in maintaining your motivation to run.... Remembering that running is a gift and not something that you HAVE to do but something that you GET to do. 

So what exactly is a gift? Well... as defined, a gift is something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort by the recipient or without its being earned. And regardless of how fast, slow, graceful or ugly your gait might be, if you have the ability to put one foot in front of the other at a speed above your normal walking pace—which is how I would define running—then you have been given a gift. But guess what? Just like any other gift, you don't appreciate it unless you use it and discover the many amazing things it offers. To put that into perspective, consider this... my husband bought me a kitchen appliance last year that could be used as an air fryer, convection oven, broiler, toaster and a few more things. It sat on my counter unappreciated for a month or two until my daughter, Hope, urged me to try some recipes and new ways of cooking. Guess what? I rarely cook using anything else now! That kitchen appliance was a greater gift than I could have ever imagined. Running is the same way! You don't know how great it is until you realize all the things it can do for you—like make your life easier and happier.

So how does running make your life easier and happier? Because when done consistently, it forces you to be disciplined with your time. And when you're disciplined with your time, you have more of it. Of course you don't have more than 24 hours in a day (no one does) but you seem to have more time in the day because you've learned to use your time wisely. And guess what? When you feel good physically and mentally (a byproduct of running) and seemingly have more time, life is easier because you're more easygoing and less stressed and that makes you happy. To see what that looks like in real life, check out these five ways running makes me happy and why I consider it a priceless gift. 

1. It takes me to places I could or would never go in a car. Just this morning I was standing on top of one of the highest points in my small town overlooking what the locals call "picture window." I could literally see for miles!

2. It gets me out into the world at times I would never be out. I can tell you, without a doubt, that I would not be outside before sunrise if I didn't run. And I would never know how wonderful it is to watch and hear creation waking up--to hear the birds singing, to see the sunrise and to feel the presence of my Creator. Early mornings just make my heart smile. 

3. It forms friendships in a way that nothing else could. Whether you meet a new person at a group run, on the trail, or in the starting line of a race, you are on an even playing field. You know nothing about one another except that you share a common bond. And this common bond opens up the door for conversations you normally wouldn't have with someone you don't know. Which is why I, and other runners, commonly say that they may start a run as strangers but they end the run as friends. 

4. It gives me time to think. Face it... if you're alive and breathing, you have worries, concerns and cares just like I do. Now running may not take away the cause of any of those worries, concerns or cares, but it does put my problems into perspective and helps me formulate solutions to them. 

5. It sets the tone. A morning run is a gift I give to myself because it's the gift that keeps on giving all day long. The joy it puts in my heart carries over into my work, my family and my interactions with those around me. Running makes me happy. 

So don't just take my word on why running is a gift, check out what some of my fellow runners had to say....

I was asked why I think it is a gift to run? Hmmmm? I never thought of it quite that way before. For me, running is a chance to get outside and enjoy the sights and sounds that some may never get. It’s refreshing and helps recharge my batteries. It’s my time to reflect on the past days without outside interference and to see if I could have done something differently for a better outcome of if I could have helped somebody to help their day. It has taken me places that I have not gone before and mingle with other runners from all over the country. From runs with 50 runners to runs of about 20,000, the anticipation of starting the run is just “fun.” It’s a gift to run with friends that even though run different lengths or pace, we all make it to the finish line and enjoy the time. Running is a chance to physically challenge ourselves and gives us the ability to improve and feel good about it. And if a training run is not quite what we expect, there is the next one to help us rebound. Just like life, ups and downs, running is a gift that helps us to keep moving forward. I started running when I was 60 yrs old because a close friend encouraged me to do a run with them. That friendship is a gift. After 8 years and with some life challenges, I’m still running and Moving forward with a NEW friend giving that encouragement. - Mark Vrotsos

When I moved to St. Louis for a job in my mid thirties I needed a social life. My wise mother said, "Develop it around your interests." I did, joining a marathon training group. Then I met a guy who was running with a friend in the last miles. I've been married to that guy since July 1986. - Alison Bourey

Running is my life. Running gives me an opportunity to be with my Maker. - Russ Dixon

I started running the summer of ‘94 as I had a friend going to Brown University on a track scholarship and she needed someone to finish up her long runs with. I fell up the sidewalk, so tired after 2 miles, but I was hooked! And doesn’t God know what we need even when we aren’t yet following Him? That same fall I would spiral into a nasty depression, and my solace and healing work was rooted in running. Over my early adult years, I’d often be found at the track across the street just running laps when my husband took our son to Sunday school, and I ran through nursing school and hospice work and recurrences of depression for many years. Fast forward to Feb 7, 2010... I accepted Christ as my savior, was baptized and committed my life to Him. Running ever since has given me an opportunity to come alongside others, a starting point for conversation, for connection, for sharing stories. And it’s in this sharing of stories where we are vulnerable and laid bare that we are able to make a difference. Running continues to bring opportunities for connection and love and joy; and for personal praise and worship as I often sing with arms raised for quite a few of my miles. Forever grateful to God for this gift to run. - Sara Ochs

Running opened a whole new world for me in 2010. I was 56 (almost 57) and found out that at that age was actually competitive. I ran several 5k’s that first year and one 10k, in which I reached the podium. After that, I was off to the races and continued to win or place most of the time. In 2013 I also got serious about triathlons. I am fortunate to be pretty good for my age in that sport as well. These two sports have given me the opportunity to travel to some very special races Like the Boston Marathon, Houston, Nashville, Memphis, Little Rock and of course KCMO and Stl. I have raced triathlons all over the country and love it that I can still compete in these sports 11 years later. Racing in Springfield at Bass Pro and Run for the Ranch taught me how to run marathons. God has truly blessed me with strong legs and longevity in these activities. If you start running or biking or swimming today, you will never regret it. Go for it! - Jim McDermott

Running is simple. One foot in front of the other. Breathe. A time of reflection. Self awareness. Let it all go time. Find out what you are made of time. Find out that you've got time. Find out who you really are, when everything else is stripped away. Running is personal. Running is my gift to me.- Jeff Holley

So there you have it friends. No matter how you look at it, running truly is a gift. Movement of any kind for that matter is a blessing undeserved. But just like any gift, it's up to you to use it to truly see it for what it is and to cherish it for what it brings into your life. So go for a run today... and smile knowing that you just opened something priceless. 

Happy Running!!!

Monday, January 25, 2021

Prepare for opposition

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.'"  2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV

After more than six hours of running at the Hoka Project Carbon X 2 race on January 23 in Chandler, Arizona, Jim Walmsley crossed the finish line 11 seconds short of his ultimate goal of beating the 100K world record. But with a time of 6:09:25, Walmsley did manage to shatter the American record of 6:27:44. Not too shabby for a day's work, huh? And while those watching could see the fatigue and pain set in over Walmsley's final three-mile stretch, they heard him loudly scream out “C’mon, Jim” as he fought the clock with everything he had. “We’ll have to try it again,” Walmsley later said in his post-race interview. “We’re in the right ballpark and on the right track and we have a shoe to compete with this and we’re knocking on the door. I don’t think I’m done with the 100K.”

And you know, when it comes to giving everything we have, the Bible tells us the story of King Asa who did "what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord." He removed the foreign altars and the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles in Judah, the land he ruled; something you can be sure caused him to encounter great opposition from those who loved practicing evil. But God is good and sent Azariah son of Obed to King Asa to speak these words of encouragement, "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” And those words were exactly what King Asa needed to hear to renew his courage and continue the work of removing the "detestable idols from the whole land" and leading the people to enter into a covenant to seek the Lord will all their heart and soul.

So as you and I join with believers all around the nation who are bracing themselves for the great opposition that is sure to come for standing firm and opposing those who practice evil, let us also remember Obed's words of encouragement. In fact, let us commit those words to memory so that we, like Asa, will be strengthened to work courageously and wholeheartedly for the reward that awaits us. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that the battles we are facing today are the same battles so many of the saints before us battled and won by Your strength. Help us to stand firm for the absolute and indisputable Truths found in the Bible Lord and to encourage our brothers and sisters to do the same. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Remember His blessings

"I remember the days of old. I ponder all your great works and think about what you have done." Psalm 143:5 NLT

"Ran 20 miles with friends after the FFG Donut Run. Hamstring felt great-not much soreness in the tendon. God blessed us with a beautiful crisp winter day and I got in a much-needed nap later that afternoon..." Those were just some of the words I wrote in my gratitude journal this past Saturday evening. I was so happy to have found the journal the day before that I vowed to resume writing down all the things I had to be thankful for; a vow that was inspired by reading through the pages I had filled up in 2019. "Why did I stop doing this?" I wondered as I smiled at the memories the book incited. Memories like the one I read from February 07, 2019, "Pool workout. Had to draw all strength from God. The darkness is wearing me down. Sun hasn't been out in days and workouts are all in the dark. Very cold again but God makes it bearable." And then the next day, I wrote these words, "The sun came out! Cold. Windchill bearable but worth it. Zechariah 4 revealed a lot in Bible Study." Is God good or what? Remembering that surely has the power to strengthen our resolve to press on doesn't it? 

And you know, as things continue to rapidly change in our country and the nation moves further and further away from following the Truths found in the Bible, it’s certainly easy for a believer to be experiencing a bit of hopelessness or even depression right now. But, like David who was no stranger to persecution and tough times knew, remembering the "days of old" and pondering and thinking about the "great works" and all that God has done has the power to refresh our hearts, renew our courage, and strengthen our resolve to follow the Lord. Why? Because these memories remind us that our God is a faithful God, that He is the almighty, all-powerful and sovereign God and that He works all things—that means the good, the bad, and the downright ugly—for our good and for His glory. 

So make it a point to call to mind the many good things God has done in your life and the numerous ways He has proven Himself trustworthy, loyal and steadfast to you today and every day my friend. You're certain to find that doing so will most definitely put a smile on your face and joy in your heart. 

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for reminding us that You can be trusted. Lord, as our nation slips into an unprecedented moral decline where evil is being called good and good is being called evil, remind us that You are walking with us, that we are never alone and that You are faithful to all those who have placed their trust in You. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

Never Once - Matt Redman

Thursday, January 21, 2021

He would do it for only one

"'I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11 NIV

One of the things I enjoy most about my job as the Wellness Coordinator of our local public health department is the Couch to 5k program I'm blessed to teach several times a year. These eight week classes are designed to help beginning runners, and those athletes who may have taken a long break from the sport, work up from doing nothing to completing a 3.1 mile run. And while I was super excited by the number of participants that showed up for the first class of the newest cycle that started last night, I was reminded by my dear friend and fellow running coach, Jay, that the great majority of the participants would not be there by week four and definitely not week eight. "You know," I told Jay after acknowledging that dropout rates for exercise programs in general were indeed very high. "I would still teach these classes even if there was just one person that showed up." "I know you would," he said. 

And you know, while I care about each individual in my class and would still teach the program if there was only one person, you and I have a Savior that not only died for the sins of the world but died for each individual person. You see, the Bible tells us that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, "lays down his life for his sheep." His sheep... that means one sheep or a million sheep because, get this, sheep is the plural form of the singular noun sheep. That means if there had been only one sheep in need of the salvation that only the death of Jesus could have provided, the Good Shepherd would have still laid down His life! Do you get that today? You are of infinite value to our Savior!

So let us smile today knowing that we are dearly loved by the Good Shepherd despite our flaws, quirks and imperfections. And because of that may we sing the praises of the One who willingly died to save the whole world, yet would have done it even if that world contained only you or only me. 

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for loving us like You do. It is truly unfathomable how a good and perfect God could care so much about people so stubborn and imperfect. And yet You love us despite our wayward ways. Help us to understand this great love Lord that we would seek You above all else. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Keep standing firm

“ Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 NIV

After posting the Bass Pro Fitness Series motivational blog I’m blessed to write each week to social media yesterday, I headed out for a run. “You have so many reasons to smile,” I thought to myself as I smelled the fresh brisk air of the morning and watched the sun begin to rise, all the while thanking God over and over again for not only healing the hamstring pain I had been struggling with for weeks but for giving me the strength and resolve to resist the urge to throw up my hands as I waited for healing and shout, “That’s it Lord. I can’t do this anymore!” And not just for having the determination to press on during this particular time of trial but for the numerous other times of trial He brought to mind during my workout; times, He reminded me, when giving up would have caused me to forego the plans He had for my life. Think about it... if I had given up at any point along the way, I would have missed out on the blessings submitting to His plan would have reaped. I wouldn’t be writing the Bass Pro blog and I certainly wouldn’t be writing this one!

And you know, one thing I have come to realize as I grow in my Christian walk is this... the more determined I am to follow God's plan for my life, the more the enemy will come against me in an attempt to thwart that plan. In fact, the devil will do whatever it takes to get every believer to back down from their mission and calling to share the Good News with others. Thankfully though, the Bible tells us that when you and I “resist the devil... he will flee.” And we "resist" or take action in opposition to the enemy when we refuse to back down from our duty assignment and stand firm, remaining unaltered and unaffected, in our conviction to serve Christ, even to the point of death.  

So if an intense, overwhelming, or ongoing trial or series of trials has you ready to throw up your arms today and say, "I quit Lord! I just can’t do this anymore,” resist the urge to back down my friend. Dig your heels in deep and make the decision to press on to the finish line instead. It won't be easy, that's for sure. But I can promise you that it will be worth it! 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word that gives us everything we need to fight against the enemy that wants to shut us up and take us out. Give us the strength and resolve to stand firm during every attack Lord that the plans You have for us would remain unthwarted. Lord, please give each one of Your followers an unquenchable urge to know You and to make Your great name known. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 

Now let's get started by talking about something that's important to maintaining your motivation to run.... BALANCE.

Okay, so what exactly is balance and why is it important? As defined, balance is a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. And it's important because if we don't arrange the elements in our life—here we will talk about the elements of rest and running—in the correct proportion, we can expect to experience negative consequences like burnout or injury.

How much rest do I need you might wonder? While that answer might be different for everyone since it's based on individual characteristics such as age, fitness level, lifestyle, goals, training cycle and so much more, the general consensus is that a person needs at least one or two days a week to let their body rest and recover both mentally and physically. Why? Because running places a lot of stress on the body, triggering inflammation and microtears that need time to heal. Which means, without rest, you might end up losing ground rather than gaining it. 

Alright. So now you're thinking to yourself, "Do I need a rest day?" The answer to that is most likely yes if you are experiencing any of these conditions.

1. YOUR RESTING HEARTRATE IS ELEVATED. Take your pulse (in Beats Per Minute-BPM) at the start of the day to find out what’s normal for you. An elevated resting heart rate is a sign of stress, related to the imposed demand of training. If your heart rate is higher than normal, it could be because your body is pumping more oxygen to the recovering tissue in effort to heal the micro-torn muscles. As a guide, an elevated heart rate typically sits above 10 beats per minute.

2. YOU’RE TIRED. New onset insomnia or common sleep disturbances are also signs of overtraining, so if you’re having a hard time falling asleep it could be because your central nervous system is overstimulated from trying to heal your muscles. If you don’t sleep well or long enough consistently for a few days, your reaction time, immunity, cognitive functions, and endurance will decrease, with compounds the symptoms of overtraining. Two rest days in a row should be enough to reset the body back into a normal sleep schedule and cycle. 

3. YOU’RE MOODY. Whether you’re hitting the gym, the trail or the open road, you may notice that your mood improves as soon as you get moving. But overtraining has the opposite effect. You’ll begin to feel mentally fatigued, as if you have a mild hangover or head cold. If overtraining happens for a prolonged period of time, it could even lead to depression due to prolonged stress on the central nervous and hormone system. And remember, overtraining is a gradual thing. Stay in-tune with your body so you will recognize these slow changes and take a rest day to avoid total burnout.

4. YOU’RE SICK. Regular exercise helps boost your immune system, but too much of it can compromise your health and lead to illness. The process of overtraining means your body is in a “continual catabolic state,” which lowers immunity and increases chances of coming down with a cold.

5. YOU’RE ALWAYS SORE. Runners tend to block out signs of fatigue thinking it will make them better, faster, stronger, tougher. And while a bit of muscle soreness is totally normal at the start of a new exercise routine or after a long run or race, you shouldn’t be feeling constantly sore. Studies show that muscles need anywhere from 24-72 hours to recover. But if you’re still sore past the 72-hour mark, be sure to rest; this type of extended soreness is a sign your muscles aren’t recovering.

6. YOU’VE HAD A FEW BAD RUNS IN A ROW. A “bad” run is subjective to interpretation by an individual. But if you’ve been doing the same or similar workout to what you always do, and have been feeling slow or weak, it’s a sign you need a rest day. For example, if you regularly crank out a 10-minute mile but find yourself struggling to keep an 11-minute pace, you’re in need of some rest.

7. YOU’RE NOT SEEING RESULTS. Has your body stopped changing in spite of your best efforts? If so, you might have hit a plateau and you are in need of definite rest. You might even do some cross training before returning to running to reset you body. 

8. YOU FEEL THAT YOU NEED A REST DAY. Like I said before, runners are advised to take one or two days off a week to recover. But there’s really no magic formula for determining what's best for you. The best way to tell you need a rest day, really, is to listen to your body. If you find you’re dreading your workout, you're anxious or you're feeling worn down, go ahead and take that rest day.

Now before you say, "I know I need to take a day or two off from running but I simply can't do it!" consider this... if you're one of those people (like me) who uses exercise to prevent or treat your depression, take heart. A rest day doesn't have to mean no exercise at all (unless you have just completed an ultramarathon or are worn down to the point of shutting down, breaking down or burning out--then it's time for a complete day or two of rest), it can mean doing some type of active recovery. Good news right? 

In fact, active recovery is often considered more beneficial than resting completely because it increases blood flow, reduces lactic acid buildup, helps eliminate toxins, keeps muscles flexible, reduces soreness, and helps you maintain your exercise routine. As an ultra runner and running coach, I can tell you that discovering active recovery has been a life-changer!! My favorite activity is aqua running. It not only allows my body to heal but tones and strengthens my muscles, joints and ligaments while allowing me to keep my sanity on those days when I can't run. But there are other active recovery activities you can do if you don't have access to a pool like walking and yoga. So unless you're injured, in pain or very tired (either mentally or physically), active recovery is a great option for you. Otherwise it's time to take some time off. 

So there you have it friends. Whether you're a beginning runner or a runner who has been at it for many years, finding the right balance between running and rest can not only keep you motivated to continue running for a lifetime but can help keep you healthy enough to do it. And remember this... rest days are not just about resting the body but about resting the mind and the spirit. They're about taking a break to slow down, to be in the moment, to be grateful and to count your blessings. So learn to love those rest days and you'll soon find that you look forward to them. 

Happy Running!!!

Monday, January 18, 2021

Do whatever it takes

"You will be hated by everyone because of my name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:22 CSB

In an article published by Runner's World last week, the question, "Is Walking Up a Steep Hill More Efficient Than Running Up It?" was asked. While the answer relies on your aerobic fitness level and the steepness of the hill you encounter, they said, switching back and forth between walking and running, based on the rate of perceived exertion, is the most efficient way to do it. You see, running gives us that bouncing movement and aerial lift which gets us up the inclines faster and with less stress on our calves but walking requires less overall aerobic energy and so is best when facing those big hills. "We think switching back and forth between gaits gives the benefits of both,” study coauthor Clarissa Whiting, said. “Basically, choose the gait that feels the best, and don’t be scared to alternate back and forth.” In other words, when facing an uphill battle, hang in there and do whatever it takes to get to the top. 

And you know, as we look around at our world today, it's becoming increasingly clear that believers everywhere are going to face an uphill battle unlike anything they’ve ever seen before in the days to come. In fact, Jesus said that we should expect to "be hated by everyone" because of His name—which means, if we truly love Christ and are determined to follow Him no matter the cost, we can and should bank on, look forward to and anticipate being criticized, ostracized, marginalized, cancelled and rejected. And rightly so because you and I are now the counter culture! "So be ready!" I can just hear Jesus say because "the one who endures to the end will be saved." 

So no matter what may come your way today or in the coming days, weeks and months, hang in there my friend. Keep running, walking or even crawling to make it to the finish line—because it’s only there that you will receive the crown of life Jesus promised to every believer who does whatever it takes to stand firm and endure to the end. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that hard times will come so that we can be prepared to face them. Help us to be bold and uncompromising in our faith and our beliefs Lord that we might stand firm until the end and influence others to do the same. Cause us to remember that eternal life awaits us for our efforts. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

You are of utmost value

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows." Luke 12:6-7 ESV

"It's about time!" I thought to myself as I excitedly reached into my closet for the new jacket I had bought a few months ago that still had the price tags on it. With a bit of a wind chill early yesterday morning, it was finally cold enough for me to wear this ridiculously expensive running coat I had purchased for an occasion just like this; expensive if I had paid full price that is. But I didn't pay the full asking price of $250, not even close to it. I smiled as I ripped off the original tag and then looked down at the marked down tag before ripping it off as well... $34.99. Is that a bargain or what? Which caused me to have this thought. "Who determined that the jacket's value was less than the one the maker of the item originally put on it?" I mean it was still the same high-quality piece of clothing that was manufactured—something the devalued price could never change no matter how much it got marked down. 

And you know, when it comes to the value of a person, the Bible is very clear that you and I are of utmost worth to the Lord. In fact, Jesus described God's love for us like this..."Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows." And yet as much as we are valued by God, the world continually attempts to discount our worth based on how we look, how old we are, what we may or may not believe, or even by our past or present sins. But guess what? The world can never mark down, deduct, decrease, reduce or diminish the immeasurable value our Maker places on us.

So if you're feeling less than worthy of love today my friend, consider this... What the rest of the world thinks about you doesn't matter in comparison to what God thinks about you. And He thinks you are "of more value than many sparrows." Does that make you smile or what? 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the timely reminder that we are loved, cherished and valued by You. When we feel anything less than that, please remind us that we are Your children and so loved that Jesus died for us while we were still sinners. Cause us to always look to You for our worth and not the world for You value us beyond anything we could ever comprehend. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The rainbow is a promise

"And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth." Genesis 9:12-13

As I stepped out into the darkness of the early morning to run before work yesterday, I never could have imagined what the dawning of the new day would hold. Not only was the temperature absolutely perfect for running but the sun was already beginning to show signs that it would make it’s appearing in a most glorious way. And boy did it ever! People all over the state were commenting on it's beauty and how the sky was so radiantly vibrant that it appeared to be on fire. And if that display of God's awesomeness wasn't enough to remind us that the Maker of the universe was still on the throne, He sent a few light rain showers before unleashing the grand finale... a double rainbow that was so absolutely breathtaking that a friend sent me the photo she snapped with this description.. "God's promise on my way to work this morning."

And you know, as sad as it might be, the majority of people in our world don’t understand how a rainbow could be described as "God's promise." But you can be sure that the description is correct. You see, the rainbow is a sign of the covenant God made with Noah and "all generations to come" after the flood waters receded and Noah and his family safely exited the ark. It was a promise to me, to you and to "every living creature" that God would never destroy the earth again with a flood as He had done because of how wicked and evil the people of Noah's day had become. The earth was so violent and corrupt, in fact, that only Noah was found to be righteous. 

Sadly, our world is not much different today than it was in Noah's day. It has become so violent, wicked, evil, and corrupt that many people have lost hope. But the rainbow serves as proof that there is indeed hope for all of us—because it's the sure, absolute and indisputable proof that God keeps His promises! So take heart my friend and be encouraged today. Those that are found to be righteous will soon be delivered. That's a promise!

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God who keeps His promises. Lord, you are the Creator of all good things and yet You love us so much that You sent Jesus to die for us while we were still sinners so that those who place their trust in You could claim the promise of eternal life. Thank You for that ultimate promise of deliverance which allows us to face each new day with a smile on our face and hope in our hearts. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Hold back your feet

"My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent. If they say, “Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood; let us ambush the innocent without reason; like Sheol let us swallow them alive, and whole, like those who go down to the pit; we shall find all precious goods, we shall fill our houses with plunder; throw in your lot among us; we will all have one purse”— my son, do not walk in the way with them; hold back your foot from their paths," Proverbs 1:10-15 ESV

As a long distance runner, I am keenly aware of the toll that running hundreds of miles every year has taken on my feet. With many of my toenails permanently damaged and missing, they aren't the prettiest things to look at, that's for sure. But I count myself fortunate when I consider, according to an article published recently by healthline, the litany of other problems that I could possibly have as a result of running so many miles including blisters, Hallux Rigidus, Plantar Fasciitis, stress fractures, Metatarsalgia, or Morton's Neuroma. Thankfully, one of the best ways to prevent these foot issues or injuries besides wearing the right shoes is to avoid running on concrete or asphalt surfaces whenever possible; something this lover of trail paths and gravel roads will be more than happy to do. 

And you know, when it comes to keeping our feet on the right path, Solomon (the wisest man who ever lived) gave us these words of wisdom regarding sinners who would try to entice us to join them in their sin—namely in their pursuit to "ambush the innocent without reason" to gain money, possessions and status—"do not consent." In other words, do not permit, approve or agree with anything they do or ask you to do. More simply said... don't go along with the crowd. And not only don't go along with the crowd... "hold back your foot from their paths." Did you notice that Solomon didn't say hold back your feet? Don't get that far! One step in the direction of following the wicked is one step too many! And one foot on the path of those who "lie in wait" is one foot too many! Hold back your foot!

So in a world where it's tempting to follow those who are doing evil to avoid being canceled, censored, mocked, or banned in this present time, don't do it my friend! This world and everything in it will soon pass away and any fame or riches you might have acquired for selling out will be worthless. Stand firm for Christ. Stand firm for the Truth. Remain faithful and keep your feet on the right path so that you might receive the reward of eternal life

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us wisdom and discernment as we see the Day approaching. Help us to stand firm in our faith and to never waver in our profession that You are Lord despite the consequences. Let us be so set apart from the world that the lost might be drawn to us to hear the Good News of the Gospel that we must be ready to share. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus, Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 

Now let's get started by talking about the motivation to run. 

Do you still have it? If you're like many runners, you might be feeling tired, burnt out or lacking the zeal you once had. Some of this might be due to the weather... I mean getting out in the cold and darkness day after day can wear on a person right? Or maybe you went running full force into 2021 and are now feeling fatigued and sluggish? Whatever the reason, throwing some intervals into your routine may be just what you need to reignite the passion you once felt. 

And if you think intervals are just for beginners, older runners, or ultra runners think again. The Run/Walk/Run Method is good for everybody!! But before I give you my two cents on the subject from my years of coaching runners of all ages and abilities, check out some of the benefits you can reap from this trend that is rapidly and exponentially growing.  

Reduced risk of injury

The continuous use of any muscle used the same way, increases fatigue more rapidly. Continuing to run continuously, with fatigued muscles, will greatly increase the chance of injury. Walk breaks serve to lengthen the amount of time it takes for those muscles to become fatigued. For the average runner, walk breaks will also tend to produce a faster time in all races from the 5K up. The average improvement in a marathon among those who've run several without walk breaks is about 13 minutes faster when using the strategic walks.

Calorie Burn

Since intervals are all about changing the pace at which you run, your heart rate will be constantly rising and falling during the workout. This means that your body will be burning more calories due to the rise in your heart rate. With intervals, you can burn more calories than you would at a steady pace run but in the same amount of time or less.

Weight Loss

Anytime you increase the intensity of a physical activity, you also increase the number of calories that you are burning. Even though interval training consists of only short bursts of speed, this is enough to raise your heart rate and increase your calorie burn. Since your heart rate is increasing throughout the workout, your body will also continue to burn calories at a higher rate after your workout, which can help lead to weight loss. 

Improved Fitness

The bursts of speed you perform during interval training help to get you into better cardiovascular shape. When your aerobic capacity improves, you'll be able to work out for a longer period of time without getting tired. That means you can run farther than if you abstained from the walk breaks. It also means that you will be able to complete a workout quicker. For example, if you are working toward a shorter mile time, training with intervals can help you to run one in a shorter amount of time due to your improved fitness level.

Fights Off Boredom and Engages Your Mind

If running is your typical cardio workout of choice, hitting the treadmill, the road or the trail a few times a week can get boring after a while; especially if you have to do most of your workouts alone or use the same route. Adding intervals into your normal workout is a way to fight off boredom and keep you motivated and focused. As an added bonus, running intervals reward each run cycle completed with a walk cycle. This makes your mind happy! And when your mind is happy, your heart is happy and when your heart is happy, your whole body is happy. Walk breaks serve as a "pat on the back" for a job well done but give you time to literally stop and smell the roses. And isn't running supposed to make you happy?

And if you needed an extra incentive to try intervals, consider this....

You may be able to run faster and will definitely recover faster. 

Most runners who utilize intervals will tell you that the run-walk-run strategy helps them perform just as well, in terms of finish time, as someone who runs without stopping but with much less muscle discomfort. And by slowly increasing your running interval speeds, it’s actually possible to get faster over time as well. And the best part? This method also allows your body to better counteract the effects of lactic acid buildup which will allow you to run for longer periods of time with much faster recovery time. 

So there you have it friends... those are just some of the benefits you will reap from the run-walk-run method. Still skeptical about trying it? Well here's the two cents I promised you. While everything above is most definitely true about intervals, if you're a die-hard-gotta-get-in-those-fast-miles-and-meet-my-weekly-quota-I-don't-have-time-for-walk-breaks runner, intervals can help bring balance back into your life. I know they did for me. On more than one occasion, allowing myself to add in walk breaks on some of my runs helped me to focus on being in the now... on grabbing hold of some of the precious moments I had been blessed with to simply be. To breathe in the air and really smell it, to look around at nature and really see it, and to listen to the song of the birds nestled in the trees and really hear it. Slowing down caused me to remember that running was a gift I didn’t deserve but had been granted by a God who loves me and who reminds me that this gift wasn't given so much to add days to my life but to add life to my days. So don't be afraid to try some intervals. It might take some time to find the run/walk time ratio that is right for you but you'll be so glad you did.

Happy Running!!!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Gods plumb line

"Then he showed me another vision. I saw the Lord standing beside a wall that had been built using a plumb line. He was using a plumb line to see if it was still straight. And the LORD said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” I answered, “A plumb line.” And the Lord replied, “I will test my people with this plumb line. I will no longer ignore all their sins. The pagan shrines of your ancestors will be ruined, and the temples of Israel will be destroyed; I will bring the dynasty of King Jeroboam to a sudden end.” Amos 7:7-8 NLT

After taking a week off of running to cross-train while I rested and rehabbed a pulled hamstring muscle, I was super happy to be outside logging some miles yesterday; so happy, in fact, that I couldn't help but sing out loud as I thanked the Lord over and over for the gift of sweating in the cold, fresh air again. And apparently that overflowing gratefulness I felt caused me to sing so loud that I caught the attention of an older lady walking her dog who, ironically, has caught me singing praise songs on more than one occasion throughout the many years I've been running by her house in the wee hours of the morning. As she shook her head and smiled at me, I smiled back and laughed, imagining her saying to herself, "Some things just never change." 

And you know, while what's considered right and wrong might be changing by the minute, there is one thing that will never change.... God's standard of righteousness. You see, God has a plumb line—a string with a weight attached at the end that is used to show a true vertical—by which to judge His people. And that plumb line is the Word which detects all sins, both great and small. To put that into perspective, consider this... the Tower of Pisa is 12 feet, 10 inches away from being perfectly vertical, a leaning that is so blatantly obvious that it can be seen by the untrained eye. Yet, as things are being redefined today, people might say this landmark isn't leaning at all but just fine. But guess what? When the Lord uses His plumb line against the tower, the truth will be revealed... it is leaning! Sin is the same. No matter how it might be redefined, when measured against the Word, it will always be revealed as a transgression against God's divine law. 

So as you and I look at the world today, let us remember that we all will be tested by God's perfect plumb line and shown to be either straight or crooked. May He find us straight my friend. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the perfect and unchanging standard of your Word to measure ourselves by. Help us to know the Word that we might not lean in any way that is contrary to it and to recognize when the world redefines Your truths that we might not compromise in any way. Thank You for being the God who never changes. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

It is going to be okay

"He will go out to deceive the nations—called Gog and Magog—in every corner of the earth. He will gather them together for battle—a mighty army, as numberless as sand along the seashore. And I saw them as they went up on the broad plain of the earth and surrounded God’s people and the beloved city. But fire from heaven came down on the attacking armies and consumed them." Revelation 20:8-9 NLT

With all the unrest, division, deception, and finger-pointing going on in our world today, I truly understand why a good majority of people (even fellow believers) are feeling anxious, apprehensive, and even frightened at the thought of what the future might hold right now. But as I was running with a Christian friend early Saturday morning and discussing current events, I couldn't help but take notice of the many times she and I smiled (and even laughed) during the conversation and said, "It's gonna be okay. We know Who wins.” Wow! I can't even begin to explain the peace that knowledge gave us. It reminded me of a time when the uncertainty of what would happen to a character in a book I was reading was so troubling that it incited me to skip to the end where I found the happy ending I was looking for. Knowing that it would all "be okay" no matter what happened in the middle allowed me to resume my reading with a peace I hadn't had before. 

And you know, no matter what might be happening in our world today, tomorrow or the next day, when you I read the end of the Book, we can have peace knowing that, in the end, God's people win... we win. You see, while Satan and his followers might be waging war against you and me and everyone else who serves the one true God right now, we know with certainty that Jesus will return one day, hopefully very soon, to take his followers home. We also know that there will one day be a final battle; a battle that our mighty Lord will win when He sends fire from heaven down "on the attacking armies" and consumes them. Do you just love that or what? 

So don't be alarmed or disturbed when the world hates you or persecutes you for loving Jesus or at the craziness taking place in our world. The Bible tells us that all this will happen. But it also tells us that, "the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." So stand firm my friend and watch as the pages of the Story unfold. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the whole Story, especially the ending so we can have peace, we can stand firm, and we can know that our fight to the finish will not be in vain. As we brace ourselves for the tribulations and trials to come Lord, please give us the strength to stand firm and the boldness to speak Truth to a world that is in desperate need of hearing it regardless of what it might cost us. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Rekindle the fire

"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16 NIV

Like many other people in the world, as the new year approached, I knew I had to do something different. Between the multiple injuries that kept me from running and racing for much of 2020, the massive unrest and divisiveness in our country, and having to deal with the stresses and life-changes COVID had caused at work and at home, I had become apathetic. I'm not quite sure when I started losing the blazing passion, emotion and excitement I once had for so many of the great things, people and projects in my life, I just knew that it was now seriously waning and I needed to get it back. So I prayed... hard. "Lord, forgive me. I realize that I have wasted some of the precious time you have blessed me with; time that was not mine to squander and time I can never get back. Rekindle the fire in me Lord so that I burn brighter for You than ever before and make the absolute most of the time I have left." 

And you know, there are many believers today who would also admit that the events of 2020 have caused their zeal, fervor and fire to wane... at least a little bit. But guess what? Today is the day that has to change. Why? Because you and I are undoubtedly living in the Day the ancient prophets foresaw and are drawing ever closer to the day that Christ will return. That means you and I have absolutely no time to waste and must make the "most of every opportunity" to do good and to win the lost to the foot of the Cross. Make no mistake my friend, "because the days are evil," we must be careful to live "not as unwise but as wise." That means we must be careful to faithfully, continually and wholeheartedly stoke the fire of our passion and zeal. 

So let us live the rest of our days wisely by considering the words of John Wesley who, knowing the incredible influence and power that passion and zeal had on the world, said, "If I had three hundred men who feared nothing but God, hated nothing but sin, and were determined to know nothing among men but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, I would set the world on fire.”

Heavenly Father, thank You for the timely reminder that apathy has absolutely no place in the life of a believer. We ask that You reignite our passion and zeal today Lord so that we would be emboldened and empowered to set the world on fire for You. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Burn for you - Toby Mac