Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The ultimate finish line

"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." Matthew 19:29 NIV

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I know from experience that training for an endurance race requires a lot of time and a lot of sacrifice. And I also know that it requires a dogged determination to not let anyone or anything interrupt that training. So when, Jim, one of my best running buddies in the world, messaged me to apologize for being MIA for several weeks amid his training for the upcoming Boston Marathon explaining, "I'm just too busy on the weekends. Plus I have a specific running plan that I need to follow," I said, "I totally get it... we can run together after Boston.” And you know what? I have no doubt that, because of Jim's unwillingness to take his eyes off his goal, he will reap the reward of crossing that iconic finish line on Marathon Monday. 

And you know, this same type of dogged determination is the exact thing you and I need to have in our pursuit to grab hold of the ultimate prize of "eternal life." You see, the Bible is very clear that walking with Jesus will require a complete and unreserved willingness on our part to let go of anything or anyone that would interrupt or hinder our relationship with Him. But the Bible is also clear that those who are willing to surrender all "will receive a hundred times as much" as what they cast aside for His sake, making every sacrifice more than worthwhile. 

So, knowing that, I pray you will make the decision to let nothing prevent you from reaching that ultimate finish line my friend. Your pursuit to do so will not only reap amazing benefits now but for eternity. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that a relationship with You is so worth fighting for. Help us to gain the dogged determination needed to let nothing interfere with the goal of taking hold of the prize of eternal life. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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