Sunday, March 3, 2019

Donate it

"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25 NIV

Related imageIn anticipation of spring cleaning (and yes, spring will be here soon regardless of the forecast), Runner's World Magazine  published some tips about the things runners should toss and what they should keep. And while many items like broken devices and expired food should be thrown away, worn-down running shoes, cotton socks, race shirts you and I don't wear and other extra clothing that never gets worn should all be donated to charity. Purging the things and gadgets that aren't making you fitter, they say, will lead to less clutter around your home and better running health. 

And while donating to charity will definitely free up space for more race shirts and might make us feel good, it shouldn't be our motivation for giving. Giving to others is something you and I should just do - whether that be of our time, talent, energy or possessions. You see, everything you and I have is from God and meant to be shared. And there's absolutely nothing you and I could ever part with with that God can't resupply. He is just that generous! And the reason you and I should be so as well. 

So go ahead and get that spring cleaning done my friend. Be that "generous person" who "refreshes others" by giving unselfishly and unsparingly. I can promise that by doing so, you, yourself, will be equally "refreshed" and blessed. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that everything we have comes from You and You are a generous God who supplies all our needs. Help us to then generously use those things You've given us to bless others knowing that it pleases You when we do. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen, 

Happy Running!!! 

All that I am - Rend Collective

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