Monday, March 4, 2019

Declare His works

"One generation will declare your works to the next and will proclaim your mighty acts." Psalm 145:4 CEB

In celebration of his centennial birthday, Ernie Lacroix of Fort Worth, TX completed his first race as a 100-year-old February 23 when he crossed the finish line of the Cowtown 5k for the 20th-straight time. He says he chose this way to celebrate both milestones "because it was a great way for a lot of the family to participate together, young and old." Registered under the team name Smoky's Posse (the name Lacroix gave his airplane during WWII), Ernie said, "We had four generations walking. It was just great walking with the family.”

And while it's always inspiring to see a person's passion for fitness passed down to the next generation, and the next and the next, it's an even greater thing to see a person's love for the Lord passed down. The psalmist clearly understood to do that, though, would require each generation to declare God's works and proclaim his mighty acts to the next. This, he knew, was the only way to ensure that our children and their children, and every generation thereafter would clearly understood the greatness of our God and the importance of following Him. 

So I wonder, are you telling the next generation about the Lord? About his goodness, grace and mercy? And about the marvelous things He has done? And are your children and grandchildren seeing your love for Him displayed in the way you live your life? I sure hope so my friend. Because this is the only way to ensure the next generation will do the same. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that it is our duty to tell the next generation about your majesty and loving-kindness. May we remember that, while passing on a passion for fitness is a good thing, it pales in comparison to passing on the knowledge of your Word and commands. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Greatness of our God - Newsboys

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