Monday, December 31, 2018

Blessings in disguise

"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.'" John 16:33 NLT

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Running in the cold rain was not the way I wanted to end 2018. But if I wanted to get in any type of workout at all, it would have to be done right then before my family woke up and prepared to make the long drive home from our weekend getaway. "Oh well," I thought to myself as I got dressed, "This might just be a blessing in disguise. My hat could use a good wash and my shoes are a bit dirty too." So out the hotel door I went only to return over an hour later dripping wet, with a smile on my face and a very clean hat. 

And you know, if we're honest, we would all admit to having experienced our share of setbacks, sadness and situations that didn't turn out the way we had planned over the last year. And while you and I certainly can't change the fact that we will experience "many trials and sorrows" in the coming year, we can change the way we look at them. You see, when you and I realize that challenges are the very thing God uses to teach us, test us, and sometimes even redirect us, we can choose to see these hardships as opportunities to grow stronger. 

So if a blessing in disguise is defined as something that seems bad or unlucky at first but results in something good happening later, may we, knowing that God works all things out for the good of those who love Him, choose to see trials and sorrows in a different way. May we choose to see them as blessings in disguise. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we will experience many trials and sorrows in this world.  And while viewing problems as blessings in disguise is hard to do while we are going through them, help us to trust that You are always in control that we might have peace. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Stronger - Mandisa

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Live with purpose

"It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart." Ecclesiastes 7:2 NIV

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"Oh, praise you Lord. What a blessing this is," I thought as I set foot on the picturesque trail He had led me to (close to the hotel my family and I were staying at). And as the thought of God's abundant goodness caused me to think of the many other ways I had been blessed throughout the years, I began to cry when my mind unexpectedly drifted back to December 31, 2016 - a day that reminded me to count my blessings often and to never take them for granted. You see, on that day two years ago, a dear friend of mine went home to be with the Lord after suffering an unexpected stroke. Just like that, the 34-year-old wife and mother of three that I had worshiped and served with was gone, leaving the reminder that no one can determine when or how they will leave this world.

And when it comes to the uncertainty of life, the Bible reminds us that contemplating our certain death can actually help us to live life more fully. You see, although many people go to great lengths to avoid thinking about dying or even refuse to face the possibility, "death is the destiny of everyone." And by taking that knowledge "to heart" and really grasping the brevity of life, we are more apt to live life as we should - serving God to the absolute best of our ability and intently loving others with abandon.

So today, while there is still time, choose to live with purpose my friend. Live with the intent of doing things that will have an eternal impact on the lives of others. And most of all, live to serve Jesus as if this moment is all you have, because as Christine Caine writes, "Life is too short, the world is too big and God's love is too great to live ordinary."

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder that life is short at best and that we never know when it might end. May this serve as a reminder to all of us that each and every day is a blessing to be cherished and to be used to make an eternal impact on the world. May we live to serve you with all that we have Lord. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Echo - Blanca

Thursday, December 27, 2018

A time for judgement

I said to myself, "God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed." Ecclesiastes 3:17 NIV

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Lawyers for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was convicted and sentenced to death in 2015 for his role in the the bombings that killed three people and wounded more than 260 during the 2013 Boston Marathon, told a federal appeals court yesterday that his conviction should be overturned. In their court filing, Tsarnaev's lawyers argued that two jurors should never have been seated on the panel and that the trial should never have been held in a still-traumatized Boston saying, "In light of the nature of the crime, and the nature and extent of the publicity, a jury drawn from the Boston metropolitan area was uniquely incapable of impartially deciding this case."

And while legal experts say the appeals process will probably last for years, you can be sure the infamous Boston Marathon bomber will one day have his moment in court. And no matter what our earthly courts decide, there will "be a time" in which he will face God's perfect, absolute and unappealable judgement. In fact, the Bible is very clear that "God will bring into judgement both the righteous and the wicked." That means each and every one us of will be held responsible for our deeds one day, good and bad. 

And while you and I will never know when the time of reckoning will come, only that it will be swift and final, we do know that if we confess and repent of our sins now, they will be forgiven. That means that our offenses will never even appear on the docket my friend. Isn't that wonderful?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that no one escapes true judgement no matter how it appears to our fleshly eyes. Help us to surrender bitterness and hatred toward those that have wronged us that we might lead them to You by doing so and to remember that we are all sinners in need of grace. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Come to the Cross - Michael W. Smith

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Go ahead and laugh

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 CSB

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One of the things I love most about being a marathon pacer, or a person whose official job is to run a consistent and steady pace so that the group being led can achieve their goal of finishing the 26.2 mile race at a particular time, is helping runners cross the finish line. And knowing that laughter is the best tool in keeping them motivated, I always come prepared with a list of jokes. One of which I told my family over Christmas dinner, "So this rabbit walks into a feed store..." After I told the punch line, I began to laugh out loud as they simply shrugged their heads and rolled their eyes. But you know what? The harder I laughed, the less able they were to contain their own joy and pretty soon we were all laughing!

And you know joy, just like laughter, is contagious and should be spread at every opportunity. Don't think you have a reason to be joyful? Consider the words of the psalmist then who said, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Did you get that? This very day and this very moment that you and I are living in is an undeserved gift from God himself. And this day is not only a chance for a fresh start, but an opportunity to bring laughter and joy to another person that God puts in our path! Can you think of any better way to show the love of Christ? 

So make it a point to rejoice and be glad today my friends! Laugh out loud and encourage others to do the same. After all, this world needs more happiness. Don't you think?

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us so much to be joyful about. The thought of grace, mercy and eternal salvation alone should have us smiling from ear to ear. Oh Lord, help us to rejoice in You each and every day that others might be drawn to You because of it. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Happy - Adam and Kid

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Never stop praying

"Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.'" Matthew 19:26 NLT

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Upon opening the last Christmas present yesterday, I watched the family settle in to play with their new gifts before heading out the door to squeeze in a run. Oddly enough, I felt prompted to take a different route than I had planned and I soon found out why. As I rounded the corner on this newly arranged course, there he was. My estranged brother who I hadn't seen or spoken to in a long time. Upon seeing me approach, he smiled and said, "Merry Christmas." To which I replied, "Merry Christmas Jason. I love you." And as I ran over to hug him, he accepted the embrace as I prayed, "Oh Lord, please let today be the day he accepts You into his heart." 

And I'd love to tell you that this divine appointment led to an instant conversion but it wouldn't be true. What is true though is that I will never stop praying for it. You see, I know from a human standpoint that there are many people, like my brother, who appear too lost to ever change. These people may be filled with hatred, lost in addiction or worldliness, full of pride, or even angry at God. But the Word is clear that "with God everything is possible." And if He can arrange divine meetings such as this, He can surely replace my brother's heart of stone with a heart of flesh

Perhaps you also have a loved one that is in need of redemption today? Don't give up praying for them my friend. It may take 10 years, 20 years or even 30 years for our prayers to be answered but one thing is certain. If you and I give up too soon, that person might never come to know Christ as their Savior and that would be a tragedy of eternal consequence.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder today that You absolutely hear our prayers. Oh Lord, help us to continue praying despite how impossible the situation may seem knowing that our time is not Your time and that You desire for everyone to accept Jesus into their hearts. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

I'll keep praying - Heaven's Mountain Band

Monday, December 24, 2018

The Christmas hope

"I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark." John 12:46 NLT

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Since going back to work full-time six months ago, my morning run times are no longer flexible. And while getting started at 6:00 a.m. was great back in July, it's a little more complicated in the winter. It seems it takes almost as much time getting dressed as it does to actually run. But when I was recently asked the question by a coworker if the frigid predawn temperatures were the hardest thing to prepare for, I said, "Actually, no. It's the darkness. Even with a headlamp, the sheer darkness of the early morning is hard to overcome." But you know what keeps me going? Each morning as I head out, I have this assurance... the light will eventually overcome it and the sun will shine.

And you know, more than 2,000 years ago, the world was filled with the overwhelming darkness of sin and the people had lost all hope. That was until the day Jesus Christ was born. The day we now celebrate as Christmas. The day our Savior left His throne to come down "as a light to shine in this dark world" and restore hope "so that all who put their trust" in Him would "no longer remain in the dark." 

Unfortunately though, on what's supposed to be the happiest day of the year, there are still many people without hope. People so defeated by the darkness of the sin and despair in their lives that they have forgotten the reason for this great celebration. People that need to be reminded of why we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. And the reason is this... because of Christmas, the darkness has been overcome once and for all and there is forgiveness of sin for everyone - no matter what they've done. What a cause for celebration!!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the joy and hope that Christmas brings. Help us to remember that the celebration is about You and nothing else. Thank You for the birth of Jesus Christ that provided forgiveness for sin and eternal life. I pray that if there's someone reading this that has not put their trust in You and accepted the free gift of salvation you are offering that today would be the day they invite you into their hearts. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

The Christmas hope - Newsong

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Prepare your hearts

"Then the LORD told Moses, “Go down and prepare the people for my arrival. Consecrate them today and tomorrow, and have them wash their clothing. Be sure they are ready on the third day, for on that day the LORD will come down on Mount Sinai as all the people watch." Exodus 19:10,11

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As I do nearly every Sunday morning, I rose before dawn yesterday to spend time in the Word and then go for a run. And while getting up and out before daylight might not be the way most people "prepare" for church, it's exactly the thing that helps to prepare my heart for worship. As you can imagine then, Sunday runs are always my favorite. But yesterday's was even more so. You see, as I was deep in prayer and intently listening to the words, "O holy night the stars are brightly shining. It is the night of our dear Savior's birth..." I realized that I was preparing my heart to celebrate something much bigger than a Sunday service - I was preparing my heart to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

And you know tonight is indeed the night of our dear Savior's birth! It is the night we are called to fall on our knees and to hear the angel voices. It is the night divine, the night when Christ was born. And just as the Lord told Moses to "prepare" the people to meet with the Lord, with hearts ready and intent on worshiping the King of kings, you and I should be preparing our hearts to worship Jesus Christ on the day of His virgin birth.

So as you and I "prepare" to celebrate Christmas tomorrow, may we begin by preparing our hearts right now. May we prepare them to truly grasp the significance of the birth of a Savior who would leave his throne on high to be born as flesh and to die a sinner's death on a cross, having done no wrong, so He could save us from our sins. All because of love. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Christmas. Help us to remember that it's not about lights, presents or festivities but about the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. May we spend the day preparing our hearts for worship Lord that we might truly understand and grasp the enormity of what we are celebrating tomorrow. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Oh Holy night - Carrie Underwood

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The best gift

"God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it." Ephesians 2:8,9 NLT

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Nearing the end of my early morning run yesterday, I glanced down in time to see a neatly folded letter lying in the gravel near my feet. Feeling the urge to read it, I gently opened the paper to see words clearly written by a child in red, "Dear Santa, I am so happy that you read my note that I gave you. I've been sending you a lot of notes because I want a lot of toys but I don't know if I'm going to get my stuff I want so please tell me if I am going to. Love, Baylee." Smiling, I laid the letter back down and prayed that this child's parents, who had obviously told her about Santa, had also told her about Jesus. 

And you know, while it is certainly okay to celebrate the season by giving gifts to our children, we shouldn't neglect telling them about the true meaning of Christmas in a way they will understand. And doing that can be as simple as saying, "The true meaning of Christmas my child is that God sent his Son to be born in a manger and then to die on a cross to give you and me a gift we don't deserve and could never earn because of the 'good things we have done.' This gift is eternal life. And all you have to do to accept this gift, this gift that is better than anything that will ever come from a store, is to believe in Him."

So as you make your final preparations to celebrate the best time of the year, won't you prepare your heart and the hearts of your children to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas? After all, without the birth of Christ, it would just be another day. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that, above all else, we are to teach our children the true meaning of Christmas. Help us to put You at the center of all our celebrations and to share boldly with others the story of Jesus' birth and the true reason for the season. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

For God so loved me - Jasmine Murray

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Avoid it

"Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble." 1 Corinthians 8:13

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Ask a group of runners about their diets and how they fuel for a long run and you'll likely get many different answers. You'll probably even hear terms like Paleo, Mediterranean, Vegan, Keto, and Vegetarian. And while one athlete might recoil at the thought of going meatless, other runners, like Michael Wardian, who recently fueled a 184-mile run on a vegetarian diet, embrace it. In addition, while a certain way of eating might be good for one person, it may not fill the nutritional needs of another. The key is finding what works for you. 

And when it comes to eating things that might work for you and me but might make a "brother stumble," the Bible tells us to avoid them. In Paul's case, this meant not eating meat left over from pagan temple sacrifices. You see, although Paul's conscience was okay with the practice, if it meant triggering a spiritual trap for the weaker believer, Paul wouldn't do it. And you can be sure this practice of abstinence applies to more than just food. It applies to any action you and I do that might cause a brother or sister, especially a new believer, to fall into sin. 

So let us be careful not to offend a sensitive or younger Christian by our example but to instead put their needs above ours. After all, as mature Christians, you and I should be helping others grow in their faith not shrink back from it. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we need to be keenly aware of not doing anything that might cause a brother or sister to commit a sin. Help us to love others so much that we put their needs before ours. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen, 

Happy Running!!!

Brother - Need to Breathe

Monday, December 17, 2018

One day at a time

"Therefore don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 CSB

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Since running is as much mental as it is physical, most runners will adopt at least one mantra, or statement or slogan they will repeat over and over, to get them through their rough patches. Don't have one? Then you might want to embrace one of the 30 mantras that Runner's World Magazine says will help you fight fatigue and the internal struggles that come with it. Of the many to choose from are, "Push through this. Light and focused. We commit, we don't quit. Claw the ground. Don't listen, don't look, just run." And my personal favorite, "One mile at a time."

Coincidentally, "One mile at a time" is a mantra I've used frequently in long-distance running because it helps me focus only on the mile at hand and not worry about the ones to come - something that can be as overwhelming as worrying about what will happen tomorrow. In fact, Matthew reminds us to take one day at a time by saying, "don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself." He was prompting us to remember that, while planning for the future is wise, worrying about the future will only overwhelm us and rob us of today's joy. 

So don’t forget to take it one day at a time my friend. Because as George McDonald writes, "It is not the cares of today, but the cares of tomorrow, that weigh a man down. For the needs of today we have corresponding strength given. For the morrow we are told to trust. It is not ours yet. It is when tomorrow's burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than a man can bear."

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that worrying about tomorrow accomplishes nothing but our hearts and minds to be overwhelmed with anxiety. Help us to trust You each day, one day at a time, that we might have fullness of joy in Your presence without the weight of worry. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

Worry - Blanca

Sunday, December 16, 2018

It gets better

"But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control." Philippians 3:20,21

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Rising well before sunrise to tackle a few errands in anticipation of meeting some friends for a mid-morning group run Saturday, I looked outside only to be disappointed. It was cold, dark and raining and I briefly thought to myself, "If this is as good as the day is going to get, I might as well go back to bed." But I didn't, and was I ever glad. By the time I joined my running buddies hours later on the trail, the rain had slowed to a slight drizzle, the mercury had risen a few degrees, and the sun was peeking out through the clouds. "Thank you Lord," I thought. "This is going to be a great day."

And you know, we live in a world that, because of sin, can be cold and dark too. A world where we might be tempted at times to just give up and go back to bed. But the Bible tells us that there are much brighter days ahead. You see, you and I are only passing through this world. We are actually "citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives." And one day, you and I will be reunited with Him and our weak mortal bodies will be exchanged for "glorious bodies like his own." 

So keep pressing on my friend and remember that, although this is not our home, we have work to do while we are here. And that work is telling others about the best news ever... the Good News of the Gospel that they too might one day be "citizens of heaven."

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that there will be days when we really won't feel like getting out of bed, much less being the witness You have called us to be. On those days Lord, please remind us that our time here is short and there are people who need to hear the Good News that we might not waste the precious days we have. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Best news ever - MercyMe

Friday, December 14, 2018

The close call

"The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent." 2 Peter 3:9 NLT

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In a recent article titled, "Frisco Runner Recalls Close Call With Coyote," Kimberlee Malin, a runner from Frisco, TX, said she was running near her home around 6 a.m. on Oct. 26 when she spotted the eyes of a coyote. She immediately tried running away, she said, but the animal chased her. "Then I kind of started to panic and was like, 'No, no, get away, get away.' And then I heard someone laying on their horn," Malin recalled. Thankfully the noise drove the aggressive coyote away. But since then, there have been three other attacks or near attacks, including one that seriously hurt a jogger.

And while you and I would never welcome a close call, a narrow escape from danger or disaster might just be the very thing God uses to get our attention. You see, the Bible tells us that "He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent." And surely nothing reminds us of our mortality and need for eternal salvation than a brush with death. And since the Lord "is being patient" in giving us the time to accept Jesus as our Savior, He arranges these close calls, or opportunities to acknowledge our need for Him, that we might accept Jesus as our Savior before it is too late. 
So if you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your heart, won't you do it today my friend? There’s really no better time than right now. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that life is fleeting and can change in an instant. If there's someone reading this that has not accepted You as Lord of their life, I pray that today is the day they will admit their need for You and invite You into their heart. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

Show us Christ - Sovereign Grace Music

Thursday, December 13, 2018

It may take time

"Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the LORD tested Joseph's character." Psalm 105:19

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Shane Sunderman, a Children's Pastor from Lincoln, Nebraska, became the first person to ever complete the 200k distance of the 36 Hours of Jack trail run Sunday afternoon when he crossed the finish line in 32 hours, 2 minutes and 9 seconds. He later said, "The challenge of going a distance I had never done before has always excited me. I trained for 24 months for the race. Why was I doing this race? For Him... so I could bring Him glory by my attitude and effort. It was an unbelievable feeling when I crossed the finish line." 

And you know, when God gives us a dream it may take days, months or even years until we see it come to pass as well. Consider Joseph. When he was a young man, he had a dream that his brothers would bow down to him. He then had another dream that his father and mother would also bow down. This infuriated his brothers so much that they arranged for Joseph to be sold into slavery. Joseph then endured nearly 14 years of testing "until the time came" for the Lord to "fulfill his dreams." But this is the exact thing God does to ensure that we are ready. He tests our character to make certain we are prepared to handle the calling and steward the dream well. And you can be sure that the greater the dream is, the greater the test will be.

So if God has put a dream on your heart today, hold tightly to it my friend. Don't let it get away. It may take time, perseverance and hard work to achieve it but you can be sure it will be worth it in the end. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that serving you wholeheartedly will take everything we have and then some. May we strive to use our gifts and talents to  attempt amazing things for your Name that you might be glorified and others might come to know you by our efforts. Oh Lord, may the testing of our character give us the strength, steadfastness, grit and patience we will need to fulfill those dreams You have placed on our hearts. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Til the day I die - Toby Mac

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Shed the weight

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." Hebrews 12:1 NLT

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Ben Kassel, 36, said he struggled with his weight for years but managed to keep it under control until after college when he ballooned up to 300 pounds. "Because of this, I felt awful. The more overweight I got, the harder it was to do physical activity, which made me gain more weight. It was a cycle that I felt powerless against." But by changing his diet and adding in running, Ben lost 110 pounds over the course of three years and crossed the finish line of his first marathon in three hours and two minutes this past weekend. And you know, had Ben not shed the weight, he never would have been able to run those 26.2 miles as fast as he did. 

Sadly though, extra pounds aren't the only thing that can slow us down and prevent you and me from running "the race God has set before us." The weight of sin, "especially the sin that so easily trips us up," will do it every time. And these sins that we stumble over time and again are usually the ones we do in secret - addictions, relationships and habits we can't seem to "strip off" that become like a cycle we feel powerless against.  

But take heart knowing that you're not alone in your struggles my friend. This "huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith" struggled with the same sins you and I wrestle with and have run the race and won. May we look to them for encouragement and inspiration as we decide to "strip off every weight that slows us down" today... once and for all. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we are not alone in this fight against sin nor are we the only ones who have ever wrestled with temptation. Help us to look at and follow the examples of the saints that have gone before us that we might be able to shed the things that keep us from running at full speed. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

No more - Josh Wilson

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

He restores

"In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation." 1 Peter 5:10 NIV

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Camille Herron, 36, who won the 2017 Comrades Marathon (a 89k race in South Africa) and was expected to be in a top position at the 2018 Comrades as well as the Western States 100 but had to withdraw due to injury, set a new 100-mile and 24-hour record at the Desert Solstice event this weekend. It seems after taking nearly a year off to recover from a painful stress injury in her femur, she was restored and quite obviously stronger and faster than ever - so fast that she ran 162.9 miles in 24 hours and passed by the 100-mile mark in a world record time of 13:25. 

And you know, at one point or another, every one of us will experience an injury, heartache or period of suffering that will seem to last forever - a time when we might even wonder if God knows or really cares that we are in pain. But you can be sure that He knows and indeed cares. The Bible tells us so. It tells us that our suffering will only be for a "little while,” no matter how long it feels, and that God "in his kindness... will restore, support and strengthen" us.

So if you're feeling as if you'll never recover from whatever physical, emotional or spiritual pain you might be experiencing right now, hold tight my friend. Keep your eyes on the Lord knowing that you will one day "share in his eternal glory by means of Jesus Christ." You will be restored and the pain will be no more.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that the pain we experience in this lifetime is brief compared to our time in eternity. Help us to hold tight to that promise so we will have the strength to press on and endure the trials and troubles of this world. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

Restore me - Anthony Evans

Monday, December 10, 2018

Start with prayer

"Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you. I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance. " Psalm 143:8 CEV

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As we prepared to head to the start line of Saturday's 36 Hours of Jack race, my friends and I joined hands to pray. "Lord," we prayed. "Thank You for your many blessings. We ask that You be with us today and that You guide our steps and keep us safe. May we bring you glory in all we say and do." And you know what? God was faithful. Each one of the runners in that prayer circle crossed the finish line safely - some dropping down to a shorter distance mid-race to do so as they heeded the guidance and prompting of the Lord. 

And shouldn't prayer be the way we start every day? A prayer acknowledging our love for and trust in God? Along with a request for Him to direct our steps? Of course. In fact, the psalmist understood how important it was to connect with the Lord before the day began that he wrote, "Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you." The psalmist then asked the Lord for guidance - guidance that would lead him to make good and right decisions, decisions that might go against what he wanted to do in exchange for what God wanted him to do. 

And you can be sure that there will be times in every Christian's life when God will prompt us to go in a direction different from the one we had planned. And while we might find it disappointing, we can be sure that God's plans are better than ours and praise Him for the redirection. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that Your ways are not our ways. You see the whole picture while we only see a piece. Help us to trust you so much that we would look at every redirection in a new light - looking forward with anticipation to what You are leading us to rather than looking back in disappointment at what You are leading us from. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Trust in You - Lauren Daigle

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Children are a gift

"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3 NASB

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After completing the third and final 25k loop of the 80k race Saturday, I headed into the aid station where my friends and daughter were waiting to grab a bite to eat. Feeling rejuvenated, I quickly decided to run the remaining 5k lap as quickly as I could. That was until my 13-year-old daughter said, "Mom, I'm going to do it with you." And you know what? It was the best ending I could have ever envisioned for a race. As we settled into a slow and easy pace, we talked, laughed, hugged and even sang praise songs out loud - and I was ever so grateful for the "gift" of this precious child. 

But you know, all children are a blessing. They are filled with joy and laughter and remind us to live more in the moment. They help us remember that PR’s (personal records) don't matter, people do. Children are beautiful, trusting, loving, full of happiness, and a light in this dark world. It's no wonder then that the psalmist reminded us to "behold,"or slow down to see for ourselves, that children are a "gift of the Lord." A gift to us that should be treasured. 

So by our actions, may our children know they are loved, cherished and adored. May we take the time each day to truly see just how amazing these little ones are. In doing so, we will be mutually blessed and encouraged. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for my children. Thank You for all children. Help us to be your hands and feet in caring for them and to love them as much as You do. And help us to slow down and take advantage of each moment Lord as we remember how quickly they grow up. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Cinderella - Steven Curtis Chapman

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Use your voice

“Shout it out loud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet. Declare to my people their rebellion and to the descendants of Jacob their sins.” Isaiah 58:1 NIV

Related imageNearly one year after Emma Bates considered no longer running professionally, she crossed the finish line of the California International Marathon Sunday in 2:28:18 - to not only win the 26.2 mile race but become the 2018 USATF Marathon champion. Competing without a sponsor, the 26-year-old’s sole intention, she said, was to raise awareness and funds for the victims of the California wildfire that recently destroyed the town of Paradise. “My goal in running is to be good enough to have a voice for people who need it. I wanted to run for more than just myself today.”

You know, Isaiah was also a person with a sole intention. A sole intention to use the position God had placed him in to raise his “voice like a trumpet” to people who needed to hear the message of repentance - people who would perish in their sin if they didn’t turn from their rebellion. He was told to “shout it loud” and to “not hold back” so that the message might be heard and heeded. And it’s that same message you and I should be boldly sharing today as well. 

So in a world that needs to hear the Truth, will you be silent? Or will you, like Isaiah, "raise your voice" to warn a rebellious generation of the consequences of turning away from God? As followers of Jesus Christ, let me remind you that remaining silent is not an option my friend - our sole intention must be leading others to the foot of the Cross. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder that there are people that desperately need to hear the message of salvation. Help us to be bold yet loving as we sound the alarm that the time of redemption is near. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.  
Happy Running!!!

Shout it out - Phil Wickham

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A new song

"He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him." Psalm 40:2,3 NIV

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Could being obese actually cause you to be depressed? For years, studies have shown that the two conditions were related but which condition came first remained unclear. But a new study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology revealed that for every 4.7-point increase in BMI above the normal range, the risk of depression increased by 18 percent overall, and by 23 percent in women. But take heart. Researchers concluded by saying, "Just because you might have a genetic predisposition to obesity, that doesn’t mean depressive symptoms can’t be alleviated through lowering your BMI. So keeping up with your exercise program is definitely recommended."

Unfortunately, there are thousands of other reasons people can get depressed - life trials, genetics, low self esteem or situations that can't be alleviated by simply lowering a BMI or keeping up with an exercise program. David was a man who certainly understood what it was like to experience extreme periods of deep sadness. In fact, David had many episodes of intense depression where he would cry out to the Lord. And when he did, not only did God hear David's cries but He lifted him "out of the slimy pit," restored his joy, and gave him a new song to sing. 

Perhaps you're experiencing a time of deep sadness today too? Maybe because of the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, a divorce or an unexpected illness? Whatever the cause my friend, God knows your hurt and He feels your pain. And, like He did for David, wants to give you a "new song... a hymn of praise" if you'll simply cry out to Him?

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that You are more than able to restore the joy we have lost and are waiting for us to cry out to be rescued. Help us to be patient and hopeful as wait for that restoration. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Psalm 40 - Newsong

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Slow down

"Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night." Psalm 1:1,2 NIV

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Runner's World Magazine recently published an article titled, "How Slowing Down Can Help You Speed Up" that detailed how running at a slower pace on most days could actually make us better runners. Why? Because, according to the experts, "As your body becomes more adapted to aerobic, slow runs, it’s going to use fat more efficiently. This process is known as the fat adaptation effect. Faster anaerobic runs mainly deplete stored muscle glycogen from carbohydrates. Slower aerobic runs, on the other hand, use approximately 80 percent fat for energy while the remaining 20 percent is a combination of glucose and protein for energy. Easy runs also train the cardio, respiratory, and muscular systems to work more efficiently. This will allow you to run with less effort on your faster running days."

And while slowing down a bit in our running can have huge benefits, taking the time to thoroughly study the Word has even more. You see, if we're honest most of us would say that our daily Bible study is done at a fast pace. We might even have a set number of chapters that we rush to read through each day. But to truly understand what God is saying, we need to be like the psalmist "who meditates on his law day and night" - taking the time to study the Word and then ponder it, dwell on it, and meditate on it for a period of time before moving forward to the next verse or chapter. 

So remember this my friend... the Lord is interested in the quality of our study, not the quantity. Slow down and take your time. I promise you'll be better for it. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that to truly understand the Word, we need to read it and then meditate on it day and night. Help us to be disciplined and passionate about our Bible study that we might grow in our knowledge of You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Your Word - Hillsong

Monday, December 3, 2018

Do not follow the crowd

"For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body." 2 Corinthians 5:10 NLT

A half marathon in China made international news last week when, according to the Chinese state news agency Xinhua, 237 entrants were caught on video by a traffic camera running through bushes to cut 2 to 3K from the full half marathon distance. Twenty-one other runners in the race were disqualified as well for cheating in other ways. Race organizers later told Xinhua in a statement, "We deeply regret the violations that occurred during the event. Marathon running is not simply exercise, it is a metaphor for life, and every runner is responsible for him or herself."

And you know, while many of the runners who cut the course might say they were simply, "following the crowd," their excuse won't relieve them from the consequences of their actions (a two-year ban from the event). Just as the same excuse won't relieve us from the consequences of our sin. The Bible clearly tells us that "we must all stand before Christ to be judged." - not as part of a crowd but as individuals and therefore individually accountable for our actions.

So if you find yourself making excuses for your sin today by saying, "Everybody is doing it," remember that each one of us "will receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body." And no excuse for engaging in deception or immorality, whether done alone or as part of "the crowd," will be minimize the consequences.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that there are eternal consequences for our actions and that just because we may not see them in our lifetime, we will be judged for our sin no matter how we try to excuse it. Knowing that, may each one of us make the choice to be set apart and live for You today. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Living for Jesus - Third Day

Sunday, December 2, 2018

On pace

"Then he called together his twelve apostles and sent them out two by two with power over evil spirits." Mark 6:7 CEV

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As a member of the 2018 St. Jude Marathon Pace Team, I had one job Saturday - get to the finish line on time. And throughout the course of this very special 26.2 mile race, I couldn't help but be grateful that I was not embarking on this journey alone. You see, recognizing the importance of having a helper, the race organizers send their pacers out in pairs. And was I ever glad! With the mercury rising well into the 70's, my co-pacer and I not only encouraged those runners around us who were feeling the effects of the heat, we encouraged one another to stay on pace and finish the race as we also became tired - and it made all the difference. 

And when it comes to the importance of having a helper or co-worker, Jesus clearly understood that we are stronger in pairs. An intent that he modeled when he sent the twelve apostles out "two by two." Sure, they might have been able to cover more ground alone but Jesus knew they would need one another. Just like you and I need one another. After all, our Christian brothers and sisters serve to not only encourage, comfort and strengthen us when we are weak, they hold us accountable, spur us on to do greater things than we could ever do alone and make sure we stay on pace each step of the way.  

So if you're not walking "two by two" with another Christian, I strongly encourage you to seek out a fellow believer to help you in your journey. Having a helper will make all the difference my friend. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we are not to run the race of life alone but with a body of believers. Help us to recognize the importance of forming friendships with our Christian brothers and sisters that we might help one another and be stronger altogether. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!

Cheer you on - Jordan Feliz

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Ordinary heroes

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for." Hebrews 11:1,2 NIV

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Prior to this Saturday's St. Jude Marathon, Kent Stoneking was honored with the St. Jude Hero Among Us award for his continued support and fundraising efforts as a St. Jude Hero - a runner who not only pays to run one of the weekend's races, but also raises money for the hospital while training for the marathon. Aside from raising money for the children needing treatment at the St. Jude Hospital though, Stoneking inspires them by annually completing this 26.2 mile race with the help of a prosthetic leg fashioned for running. 

And while the world would define a hero as a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities, the Bible would add that a hero is a person who puts their faith into action. A person who, like Abraham, hears God's calling and by faith moves forward to fulfill that calling without being able to "see" what's in store. Or a person who, like Noah, is obedient to the point of building an ark when they "do not see" the rain. But guess what? These heroes of the faith were ordinary people just like you and me that simply obeyed the will of God and impacted generations to come.

And you know, in a world that needs more heroes, you and I can be those ordinary people making a difference in the lives of others too... by simply being obedient. By going wherever we are called to go and doing whatever we are called to do. Can you imagine the impact you and I could have on this world if we did my friend?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that every one of us can be a hero to someone else by simply listening to Your direction for our lives and following it. Help us to have the type of faith that causes us to take action without questioning the results that one day we might be "commended" for our faith along with the saints. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

I will follow - Chris Tomlin

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Left behind

"Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left." Matthew 24:40,41

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If you're looking for a new adventure and have an extra $24,000 burning a hole in your pocket, you might be a perfect candidate for the inaugural Race the Jet Marathon taking place in Antarctica next February. You'll need to be speedy though as the private Gulfstream 550 luxury jet that will fly you to the start line and back out is legally limited to only five hours on the ground. This means runners will be off and running just minutes after landing and must complete the 26.2 miles under cutoff or get left behind. Runners who miss the cutoff aren’t truly stranded, of course. They spend the night in one of White Desert’s luxury residential pods (read: igloo mansions) and share a cargo plane with a load of the camp’s garbage back to South Africa the next day.

And while these runners will know well in advance the exact time the plane will leave so they can be prepared, the Bible is clear that Jesus' return will be swift and sudden and come without notice. Two men will simply "be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left." In other words, those that believe in Jesus will immediately go to be with Him - and those that don't will be left behind. 

So if Jesus were to return at this very moment, would you be prepared to meet Him? The answer to that is of the highest importance my friend. It literally determines your destiny... whether you go home or get left behind. And I promise you, you do not want to get left behind. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that You will be coming back for your children. Help us Lord to live each day for You - preparing ourselves and others for your return. Oh Lord, please give us a boldness to reach out to the lost that they might come to know You so they are not left behind. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

People get ready - Avalon

Monday, November 26, 2018

Make the change

"'And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. Then Jesus told them, "A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family.'" Matthew 13:57

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One of the reasons I love coaching Couch-to-5k programs so much is watching the way running changes the participants - particularly the increased confidence they gain and the love of the sport this lifestyle change brings even after the program ends. Changes that don't go unnoticed by the families of these new runners either, as recent graduate Frances acknowledged in a post over Thanksgiving, "Sometimes you have to sneak out before daylight to get your run in. Now to face those 'where have you been looks.'" 

And you know, anytime a person makes a drastic life-style change, especially if they've made the decision to follow Jesus, non-believing friends and family might not understand or even accept it. But that doesn't mean it's the time to give up - but rather the time to be patient and prayerful that this new found transformation would result in a lifestyle change in us so dramatic and admirable that others would be drawn to make the same decision to accept Christ because of it. 

So if this is you today, remember this my friend. Jesus' friends and family didn't understand or accept Him when He left Nazareth as a carpenter's son and returned changed. He knows what you're going through and you're not alone. Don't give up. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that as believers we will face opposition and rejection in this world and even in our own homes. Help us to press on in spite of this that we might be an example to others through the way we live that making the decision to follow Jesus is the best decision anyone could ever make. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

Changed - Jordan Feliz

Sunday, November 25, 2018

We must be ready

"You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected." Matthew 24:44 NLT

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In keeping with my usual Sunday morning routine, I rose early yesterday to read my Bible and then get in a run before heading to church. And I was so glad that I did. The temperature was perfect, the air was still, the trail was quiet, and the sun was just coming up on what appeared to be a beautiful day in the making. And no sooner had I thought to myself, "I could really get used to this," a weather alert flashed on my phone. "BE READY: huge changes this afternoon." With a drastic drop in temperature and possible snow on the way, I was really grateful for the warning. 

And while being given advance notice of a change in the weather can help us prepare for what's ahead, you and I won't have that same advance notice to prepare for Jesus' return. In fact, the Bible is very clear that no one knows when Jesus will come back only that "the Son of Man will come when least expected." What does that mean for us then? It means that you and I "must be ready all the time." 

So if you think you can live outside the will of God now and repent at the last moment, think again my friend. It could be today, it could be tomorrow. or it could be a hundred years from now but Jesus is coming back. And when He does, there will be no second chances. You and I must be ready. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that Jesus will be returning one day when we least expect it. Help us to truly grasp the enormity of this event that we might live every day as if His return were imminent and urge others to do the same. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Coming back for me - Brenton Brown

This is the moment

"If you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will come to the Jewish people from another place, but you and your father's family will be destroyed. Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.'" Esther 4:14 CSB

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As a hospice nurse, Kimberly Blomgren knows just how fleeting and precious life is and says she runs for a number of reasons. Most importantly though, she runs to make a difference in the lives of those around her. "I run because it focuses me completely on my job...The biggest gift of this work—and there are many—is that you realize that you have this one moment on earth. It forces you to ask yourself: What is your goal? What is your dream? If I die today, did I do something good? It’s not about the stuff or the things we accumulate. While I’m running, I find myself thinking, almost meditating that This is the moment I have."

And if a moment is defined as a very brief period of time (and life is brief even if you and I live to be 100), this is the moment you and I have too. The moment where we, like Esther, can use the unique "position" God has placed us in to make a difference in this world. And while our position may not allow us to do something as profound as providing care and compassion to the dying or saving the "Jewish people" from certain death, it does give us opportunities to show the love of Jesus to at least one person - which can have eternal significance.

So whatever position you find yourself in today, won't you use it to be a blessing to someone else? Because truly, my friend, this may be the only moment you and I have.... and we don't want to waste it. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that life is very brief and that we only have a short period of time to do things for others that will have long-lasting effects. May our goal be to not waste even one moment of time serving You by serving others. May we be bold in our efforts to lead people to the foot of the Cross. 

Happy Running!!!

Follow me there - Third Day

Thursday, November 22, 2018

The best savings

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

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Wow! I hadn't even begun celebrating Thanksgiving yesterday before receiving ads and invitations to take advantage of pre-Black Friday sales on everything from Runner's World Subscriptions and Nike Thermo Tights to Garmin watches and Proform Treadmills. With all the retailers' promises of free shipping and discounted prices, these savings seem too good to pass up don't they? And if you think those offers are great, what if I told you about another offer that makes them pale in comparison? The absolute best offer ever extended on a Friday?

You see on a Good Friday nearly 2,000 years ago, our Savior, Jesus Christ, died on a cross so that He could offer you and me the greatest deal of all time.... eternal life. Why? Because He loves us. The Bible tells us so when it says that, "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son..." And if that wasn't amazing enough, it gets even better! You don't have to wait for a sale or a special day to receive this life-saving savings, eternal life is offered to "whoever believes in him."

And it's as simple as that my friend-accept and trust in Him and be saved. It's a decision that will most assuredly change the rest of your life as Billy Graham so wisely knew when he said, "I have never known anyone to accept Christ’s redemption and later regret it.”

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much that you would send your Son to die for us that we might spend eternity with You. If there is anyone reading this today that has not accepted you as their Lord and Savior, I pray today they pray these words, "Lord, I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I accept you as Lord of my life. Forgive me and help me start new knowing that I can look forward to eternal life with You". It's in your precious name we pray, Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Glorious day - Casting Crowns