Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Without a doubt

"Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1 NIV

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Perhaps at no other time in the many years I've been running have I ever encountered as many obstacles and setbacks in training for a race as I have for the Prairie Spirit 100. With a work schedule that only allowed for early morning runs, I not only had to train through the winter's frigid temperatures, unpredictable wind chills and the months of overwhelming predawn darkness (by far the hardest part), but the numerous winter storms we received, ever-increased family obligations and an injury that limited the miles I would normally have logged for a race this long. But you know what? Despite all this, I'm going to smile and trust Him as I step up to the start line tomorrow, continually calling to mind the stories of people in the Bible, like Joshua, Moses, David and Paul, who just wouldn’t give up. 

You see, these brave men of the faith serve as inspiration because they all faced circumstances, like mine, that were so dire and hopeless they appeared destined to be defeated by them. In other words, in the eyes of those watching, they were all going to fail and fail miserably. But guess what? They didn't fail and they didn’t lose their faith. Joshua, Moses, David, and Paul were all victorious and there was no doubt as to the reason why... God. And guess what else? Because of the overwhelming odds each one of these men was confronted with beforehand, it was impossible to give anyone but the Lord the glory for the victory! The people came to know, without a doubt, that the Lord was responsible!

Perhaps, barring a miracle, you're like me and facing serious defeat today too? Maybe it's in your health, family, faith or finances? Well then keep believing, look up and celebrate my friend. These are the very circumstances God allows us to face so we, and those watching, can, without a doubt, ascribe to Him the glory only He is due for his "love and faithfulness." 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God that we can trust. Amidst our circumstances today Lord, help us to understand that we were made to bring You glory and that the way we are called to do that may not always make sense to us. Help us to press on in the midst of trials that the lost would come to see our faith that never gives up and come to know You because of it. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

Resurrecting - Elevation Worship

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