Thursday, June 4, 2020

Tell the next generation

"We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about his power and his mighty wonders." Psalm 78:4 NLT

Information Board and Route 66 bridge. - Picture of Roubidoux ...
As part of my job as the Wellness Coordinator of our local county health department, I get to do some really fun things to inspire people to get out and get active - fun things like interviewing the Mayor of Waynesville (which I did Wednesday) while getting a walking tour of one of our county parks. And after Mayor Luge had shared the history of the Laughlin Park and other details while on our ‘walking tour,’ we ended the interview just as she looked up at the historic Route 66 Roubidoux Bridge that stretched over a portion of the parks’ paved walkway."You know, that bridge is going to be replaced soon. My hope is the city will spend the extra money to add arches and lights to it to make it beautiful. It will be there long after I'm gone and I want it to be enjoyed by future generations." Don't you just love her heart?

But you know, leaving this world a better place should be the desire of every believer. And while doing that most definitely includes making improvements for our children and their children and their children to enjoy, the most important thing you and I can and must do to leave this world a better place is to "tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord." And we do this by not only teaching them the truths found within the Bible "about his power and his mighty wonders" but by telling them about how the Lord has personally worked in our own lives... sharing stories of the great things He has done, the things He has saved us from and the many reasons He is worthy of our undivided praise and worship. 

So knowing that it is the Biblical duty of every Christian - that means you and me - to ensure that the next generation hears about the mighty acts of God so they can pass it on to the next one, may we be ever vigilant in not hiding "these truths from our children." After all, if they don't hear the truth from us, they may never hear it at all. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for your Word that tells of the mighty deeds and wonders You have done in the past. Compel us as parents Lord to know them and commit them to memory that we might share them with our children that they might pass on those truths to the next generation... and the next and the next. Help us to also boldly share the powerful ways You have worked in our lives as well that our children would be inspired to follow You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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