Thursday, June 25, 2020

Spiritual training is of the greatest value

"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8 NIV - Equipping you to encounter God in the pages of Scripture
Like most runners around the world, ultramarathoner Alyssa Clark, originally from Bennington, Vermont but currently living in Italy, never dreamed that COVID-19 would prohibit her from running outside. But on March 9, 2020, everything changed she said. "We went from being able to travel, run, [and] walk freely, to being confined to our homes..." Then she started getting notifications that all her races were being canceled. Not one to waste her training though, Alyssa set out to build upon it by running a marathon every day beginning March 30; thirty of which she did on her treadmill at home before the restrictions were lifted and she could head back outside. At the time the article from Runner's World was published, Alyssa had finished 85 marathons (with a goal of completing 100) and broken the world record for most consecutive days running a marathon. 

And you know, while physical training, as this story illustrates, has many benefits including increased endurance and discipline, you and I can spend so much time training our bodies that we neglect the training that is truly important... spiritual training. You see, while physical training "is of some value," training for godliness has immeasurable value in this “present life and the life to come." Which means putting our all-out efforts into the pursuit of being like Christ will reap far greater benefits than breaking a world record that will be broken by someone else or receiving a medal or trophy that will rust or be thrown away. Spiritual training, with an effort equal to that of a professional athlete in the strictest of training, will reap the benefits of a better life now and a guarantee of eternal life later. 

So by all means, treat your body like the temple that it is my friend. Eat well, get sufficient sleep and train your body to be strong and healthy so you can serve your church and others to the best of your ability throughout your lifetime. But always put a priority on your spiritual training by reading the Word daily and working tenaciously to be more like Christ. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that spiritual training has far greater value than physical training. Lord help us to remember that the two are connected because we can serve better when our bodies are healthy and our minds are clear. Help us to develop the discipline to train our minds, spirits, and bodies in the way You have called us to do. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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