Tuesday, June 9, 2020

MIDWEEK MOTIVATION - Take back your enthusiasm

Hello runner friends! 
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about how to get out of the running funk you might be in and get your running mojo back. 

Can Exercise Cause Depression? | Outside Online

So what exactly does it mean to get your running mojo back? It means to gain back your confidence, enthusiasm and motivation after a period of inactivity, apathy, or lack of progress.

How to Start Running | Running for Beginners

So as a long distance runner and a running coach, I know what it's like firsthand to lose my mojo and the reasons that cause it because I've lost it more than once. I also know some of the many reasons other runners lose their motivation to lace up and head out the door. And you can bet those reasons are as varied as the solutions. What works for me may not work for you. But hey... I hope it does!

So here are just three of the many reasons I've seen runners lose their mojo and some tips to get it back:
The Best Running Watches Of 2020 | Coach

1. You are running, running and then running some more and the pace your Garmin displays never goes down. You're not seeing any gains and you're getting frustrated and are nearly ready to throw in the towel! Whoa! Been there, done this one. My solution? Ditch the Garmin for a while! Get out there and just run. This is the deal. You probably know your average pace, most runners do. But when you're in a funk, you tend to settle for that pace with your Garmin as your witness. So leave it at home for a while! It's going to feel weird but do it anyway. And don't wear it and think to yourself, "I'm not going to look at it" because you'll be lying. It's too tempting. So get out there and run at whatever pace feels good. Heck, even throw in some fartleks!! The thing is to make it fun and new again! 

4 Aspects Of Running Perfectly Depicted In Books - Women's Running ...

2. You find yourself saying things like, "Ugh! I HAVE TO get in 12 miles for my training plan today." This is a no-brainer. Change your mindset!!! Change your HAVE-TO’S to GET-TO’S! There is perhaps no quicker way to lose your enthusiasm and motivation than by losing your perspective! Friend, if you have the ability today to get out and run, you are blessed! Think about all the people that can't run because of sickness, disease, disabilities or injuries. And then thank God you have legs that can move, lungs that are strong, and a body that is healthy! Because you have these things, you GET TO do this one thing that thousands of other people around the world can only dream about. You GET TO run!!! 

Get outdoors and join a running group this summer

3. You find yourself saying, "I am so tired of running alone!" This too is a no-brainer! Find some friends or a running group. And if there's not one in your area, create one! Some of the biggest and best running groups in the nation were started by people who were simply tired of running alone. But if you're saying to yourself, "I can't because I live in a rural area." Or, "I have to run at strange times because of my job,” that’s okay too. Find an online friend or group to hold you accountable and to talk to about your runs. There are so many running groups that you can be a part of. Interact with them frequently and you'll soon find yourself motivated because of the encouragement you'll receive. Then make plans to run with them on the weekend! The anticipation of seeing those friends in person you have talked to online during the week will keep you energized!

And on a final note, I hope you'll remember that while life has its' ups and downs, reminding yourself of the many reasons you have to smile can easily turn most of those downs into ups. It's all about perspective and gratefulness. Be thankful for the things you can do today - because guess what? There will be a day when you can no longer do them. That day will come for every one of us. But if today is not that day, get out there and run with a smile on your face and joy in your heart!😊

Happy Running!!!

Psalm 95:1

Finally, don’t beat yourself up. Losing your mojo is not a weakness. Consider it a “phase” in your running routine, and have hope and confidence, knowing that phases pass.

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