Monday, June 15, 2020

Overlook those transgressions

"The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, And his glory is to overlook a transgression." Proverbs 19:11 NJKV

Looking in my rearview mirror as I drove to the pool early yesterday morning for some aqua running, I spotted a tailgater. "Dang," I thought to myself. "This guy is way too close. I wish he'd back off." But he didn't. For more than 15 miles this stranger followed me way too closely along the hills and corners of Highway 17 - a narrow two-lane highway with nowhere for him to pass or for me to pull over. By the time we finally reached a spot where there was a passing lane, it was all I could do not to glare at him as he flew past me. "What a jerk," I said out loud. And then I felt it.... conviction. “What if he was in a hurry to witness the birth of his child?” I thought to myself. “What if he was late picking up his mother from the airport? What if he was rushing to be with a sick friend? What if? What if?” So many thoughts ran through my head but ended with this one, "Melissa, what if you had just prayed for him? Wouldn't that have been a better reaction?" Of course the answer was yes. And so that's what I did. 

And you know, when it comes to anger, whether it be the boiling kind that was slowly coming up in me or the explosive kind that causes a person to totally lose control, the Bible is clear that you and I should be "slow” to exhibit it lest we speak or act in a way contrary to the way a believer should. You see, it is a person's "glory to overlook a transgression," because shrugging off a perceived wrong displays the discipline of character and the fruit of the Spirit that marks a follower of Jesus Christ. And it's this fruit displayed in our lives that not only compels the lost to seek Him, but compels us to love others unconditionally.  

So be careful to practice discretion at all times my friend. Doing so will not only prevent you from doing or saying something in haste that you will later regret, but will guard your witness for Christ and allow you to be an example of the Father’s love to those who have transgressed against you. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the Holy Spirit who lives inside us and stirs our hearts and minds when we are thinking or behaving in ways contrary to what we should be. Help us to be an example to the world of what it means to love like Jesus and to forgive as He has forgiven us. Help us to be a light in this dark world Lord. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!


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