Thursday, January 16, 2020

Resolve to stand firm

"Stand firm, and you will win life." Luke 21:19 NIV

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As most runners have come to know, when the temperature drops, the resolve to lace up our shoes usually drops along with it. But we shouldn't let the frosty air, negative wind chills, and the threat of hypothermia put a freeze on our running routines since keeping up with our normal schedules will not only prevent you and me from losing our hard-gained endurance but also help us fight off the winter blues. In fact, according to a recent study in the journal Mental Health and Prevention, exercising outdoors in the winter can cut our anxiety levels a lot more than sweating inside can. How's that for a great reason for us to strengthen our resolve to get out there and run in the cold?

And you know, when it comes to the resolve or firm determination to follow Jesus, Luke reminded believers that they must "stand firm." You see, just as it was in his time, Christians are being mistreated, ridiculed, harassed, and even killed for their faith. And because of this, it has become very easy for even the most faithful of followers to let their resolve waiver or even drop completely - which is exactly why Luke earnestly urged every believer to take a firm, resolute, steadfast, and purposeful stand to follow Christ in spite of any harsh treatment or trial they might encounter along the way.

So if your resolve to follow Jesus has waned in the midst of opposition today, I pray you will renew your commitment to follow Christ no matter the consequences my friend. And then I urge you to take a stand and boldly declare, "I will stand firm from this moment on and I will let nothing stop me from my pursuit to 'win life.'"

Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise to always be with us and to reward all those who choose to follow You until the end. Help us to be those followers who stand firm and refuse to back down no matter what obstacles or difficulties we are faced with. It's in your precious Name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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