Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Be Coachable

"But you know Timothy’s proven worth, that as a child with his father he has served with me to advance the gospel." Philippians 2:22 BSB

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On January 10, two-time Olympic medalist Galen Rupp, who was in need of a coach after his former one, Alberto Salazar, was banned due to anti-doping violations, publicly announced that he was under the guidance of Mike Smith, the head coach of cross country and track and field at Northern Arizona University. Smith confirmed the coaching relationship later in an email to Runner’s World, writing that he was surprised to get the phone call from Rupp last fall and took his time on making the decision, hinging the choice heavily on whether Rupp would be open to change, knowing it was crucial to whether his coaching would be effective. Thankfully, to Smith’s delight, Rupp was. "He’s completing new types of training he’s never done in his career and been very coachable thus far in what I’m requesting of him."

So why is it so important to the success of an athlete to be coachable? Because coachable people are humble. And because they are humble, they acknowledge their constant need for improvement. Which means they are open to listening to new instruction and feedback, are able to receive constructive criticism without taking it personally, are willing to take an honest look at their own performance, and are over-the-top enthusiastic about reaching their goal. This was something Paul knew was, without a doubt, crucial both to the success of an athlete and to being a follower of Jesus Christ. In fact, the main reason Timothy - who Paul described as having proven his worth by serving alongside him "to advance the gospel" - was so successful in his ministry was because he was coachable! He was enthusiastic about the mission and more than willing to listen to Paul's instruction, correction and advice.

So would you describe yourself as coachable today? I sure hope so my friend because, unless you are, you will never live up to your full potential in advancing the gospel and serving the Lord. And as followers of Jesus Christ, shouldn't that be our greatest mission? 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder that the only way we can ever grow and mature as Christians is to be coachable and always mindful of our need for improvement. Help us to be open to change and willing to learn from others so that we can grow more like You Lord. And please strip us of any pride that might stand in the way.  It's in your precious Name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Jason Gray - Becoming

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