Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Practice self-control

"Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city." Proverbs 16:32 NLT

Image result for runner looking at sunrise

While participating in the Saint Silvester 15k Road Race in north-west Colombia on New Year's Eve, Jamie Alejandro, a Columbian runner sponsored by Under Armour, was videoed kicking a dog that had gotten in his path during the race and subsequently dropped by his sponsor. In a statement following the incident, Alejandro said, "I did not consider my actions. I have no excuses and I do not justify what I did. I am not justifying my actions but it was a moment of euphoria in the race. I was not thinking and I know I can be a brute when I am competing.” Unfortunately for Jamie, though, Under Armour chose not to reinstate its' endorsement deal with him despite the apology.

And you know, as this story clearly illustrates, losing control of our emotions even for a moment can have long-lasting and dire consequences. The psalmist clearly understood this, warning us that it was "better to be patient than powerful" and "better to have self-control than to conquer a city." In other words, self-control is far better than conquest because any success you and I may attain can instantly be lost by losing our temper. For that reason then, it is always a great achievement and personal victory when you and I control our emotions. 

So before you take action on any situation, be sure to carefully consider the consequences my friend. Losing your temper, even for a moment, could easily cause you to miss out on the very thing you want the most and are working so hard to achieve. 

Heavenly Father, help us to practice self-control in every area of our lives that we might have the patience and wisdom to control our emotions. Please help us to remember that we are Ambassadors of Christ, and that displaying any actions contrary to that representation could easily damage our witness and lead others away from You. It's in your precious Name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

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