Sunday, January 27, 2019

We have to be ready

"Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching." 2 Timothy 4:2 NLT

Image result for preacher in the street pci
While training for a marathon is most certainly difficult, training for a 100-mile ultra marathon is even more so. You see, with an average finish time of 28 hours, a runner must train for every unfavorable condition they might encounter over the long race so they can be ready to withstand those conditions and press on in spite of them. Hence, in training for my next ultra, the reason I joined several other crazy runners for a frigid six-hour run that began Saturday night and ended early Sunday morning - and the reason you will see many of us running in the extreme cold, rain, sleet, snow and early morning hours. We simply have to be ready. 

And when it comes to being ready to share the Gospel, the Bible tells us that, "whether the time is favorable or not.." you and I need to "be prepared." That means we have to be ready to serve the Lord at all times and in all conditions. In good times, in bad times, in hopeless situations, in hostile places and with hostile people. And in order to do this, you and I must be trained to withstand the less than "favorable" times we might encounter or responses we may receive. We not only do this by training in the Word every day but by the trials we face in our lives - the trials that threaten to break us but only serve to make us stronger and more determined to "preach the word of God." 

So if you're following the Lord today and experiencing difficulties, hardships, problems or misfortunes, hold tight my friend. It could very well be that God is training you to withstand the unfavorable things you will face when He calls you out to do His will. And for that, you will have to be ready. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the realization that many of the tests and trials we face in life are the very things You use to prepare us for battle and to weather unfavorable situations. Help us to keep our eyes on You during these times that our faith might grow stronger and we might become more prepared to step out and share the Message. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

We won't give up - The Afters

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