Monday, January 14, 2019

The brightest light

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105

Image result for runner running with headlamp pic
One mile into my morning run and I knew I was in trouble. My headlamp was going dim very quickly and without the moon or even a star in the sky to light the path, I was having great difficulty seeing. "Just make it to the school," I said to myself. "You can run under the lights there until the sun comes up." So dramatically slowing my pace, I fumbled through the near darkness for nearly half-a-mile before finally reaching the school parking lot where I ran circles around it until the sun set light to the morning sky. 

And if you've ever tried to run in the early morning hours of winter, you know that a headlamp is a necessity. Even with the keenest of eyes a person can lose their way and get tripped up by even the tiniest of obstacles. The same is true in our spiritual lives as well. Without the Word to guide us and to illuminate God's plan for our lives, you and I are literally in the dark - stumbling through life unsure of where we are going and what the future holds. 

Thankfully though, the remedy for spiritual blindness can be found within the pages of the Bible. It's there that you and I will find the words that will literally show us the way we should go and provide clear vision, instruction, encouragement and discernment each step of the way. It's truly the best and brightest "light" that you and I could ever possess. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for this much needed reminder today that we are literally in the dark when we don't look to the Word for guidance. Help us to make reading the Bible our very first priority that we might allow you to light our path and guide our feet as we walk along it. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

The Word is alive - Casting Crowns

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