Sunday, January 20, 2019

Forget the past

"Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago." Isaiah 43:18 GNT

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As a race director, I sometimes have to decide whether a race will be postponed, rescheduled or even canceled due to inclement weather.  These decisions are never made lightly or without consulting others and repeated checks of the forecast though. So when it appeared that the rain we were expecting overnight Friday would transition into snow and ice by morning, I made the final decision to reschedule Saturday's 5k race for the following week, well in advance so people would have notice. And as I ran alone Saturday morning, with none of the ice or snow on the ground as expected, I rebuked myself for having done so, "Sure it’s cold out here but the race could have gone on. You made the wrong choice!" 

If we're honest though, most of us would admit that many of the decisions or choices we've made in life were most definitely not the right ones. They might have even caused us or our loved ones pain. But the thing about wrong choices is this... they can't be changed and they can't be undone. And while it's okay to remember those choices so we don't make them again, continually looking back in regret will only cause us to miss out on the future that's in front of us. 

So may you and I choose to "forget what happened in the past." After all, God certainly has. And if God has forgiven us, spending our time dwelling "on events from long ago" is pointless. It will only keep us from moving forward and fulfilling the purpose to which God has called us to today. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that, even as Christians, we won't always make the right decisions. And when our choices are contrary to Your will, help us to repent of them and move forward in forgiveness that we might learn from our shortcomings and serve You better. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus, Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

You are more - Tenth Avenue North

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