Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Hello runner friends! 
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about how making the right New Year's Resolution and formulating the right plan to carry it out can motivate you to make 2021 your best running year yet.

But first, let's talk about why we are talking about this so early. Well if the old adage "when you fail to prepare you prepare to fail is true" (and it is), getting off to a good start is super important. Think about it this way... once the gun goes off and the race begins it's too late to GET ready. You have to BE ready and that preparation starts long before you step up to the start line!
And how can you be ready? By addressing one of the top resolutions I have seen and heard throughout the years from both new and experienced runners... 

I want to be able to run this distance (you fill in the blank) by this time (you fill in the blank). 

So for the sake of time, lets talk about the two most popular distances that people set their long-term sights on... the half marathon (13.1 miles) and the marathon (26.2 miles). And while we won't go into specific training plans on either of these here since they are dependent on a lot of individual factors including current fitness level, lifestyle, and the season a person hopes to be ready by, let's talk about which one might be right for you for 2021 and how you can realistically start putting that plan into motion. 

And remember if you are completely new to running, this can still be a goal for 2021! Just start with a 5k plan (Couch to 5k is one of my favorites) and then move up to the 10k distance slowly. Once you are logging consistent miles for a few months, you can realistically set your sights on a half-marathon all-the-while strictly adhering to the 10 percent rule

The Half Marathon... 
With a distance of 13.1 miles, this is by far the most popular race to train for. Why? Because it's long enough to be challenging but not so long that training for it is equivalent to taking on a second job. If you're in a season of your life where you don't have a whole lot of extra time, this is the distance for you. And let me tell you... the Bass Pro Half Marathon will not disappoint you. Held the last weekend in October, the giant medals and post race party make this a must-do race at least once. But you don't have to wait for a fall race. Once you have completed the 5k and 10k distance, you can be ready for a half in just a few months. But like I said, this depends on how much time you have to devote to training and how well your body is responding to the increased mileage. But this is most definitely something that can be added to your 2021 list of resolutions and completed! 

The Marathon... 
With a distance of 26.2 miles, this is definitely a resolution that is not for everybody. Why? Because it takes double the time and commitment to train for and complete. But hey, if you have the extra time and the desire, go for it! I mean that!! If 2020 has taught us anything it's this... if you want to do something, do it now. Don't wait for the perfect time or the perfect circumstances because those two will never align. Determine within yourself that you will achieve this goal at any cost and take the necessary steps to make it happen.

Okay so now that you have determined which distance you will ultimately aim for this year, it's time to rid yourself of the three greatest reasons running resolutions fail... 

1. You have no accountability. Tell your friends, your coworkers and anyone else who will listen about your new goal. You'll be way less likely to back out if you know people are watching. 

2. You have no support group. This is so important. Find a friend or group of friends who share your goal. And that's not as hard to do as you might think. Simply search for a local running group and show up to a run. You will be shocked at how supportive they will be because every runner there has been where you are! In the Springfield area? Check out Ozark Mountain Ridge Runners at omrr.org. In the Fort Leonard area? Check out the Frog Fitness Group (www.facebook.com/groups/FROGFITNESSGROUP) or TEAM RWB (https://www.facebook.com/groups/196253530570406). Wherever you happen to be, find a local group. They will be crucial to your success. 

3. You don't have a feasible plan. This one is pretty simple but relatively easy thanks to the internet. Find a training plan that works with your schedule keeping in mind that training plans are meant to be tweaked to fit into your lifestyle. Can't fit in that long run due to work or a child's sports event? Adjust your schedule to do your long run on a different day to make it work for you and/or your family. This is key!! A running plan is only good if it fits into your plans and your life!! Too many runners fail because they find their training plans are too rigid and impossible to follow and simply give up on them. 

Okay so there you have it... that's one resolution that can totally be completed in 2021 if you're willing to plan ahead and put in the work. And guess what one of the great things is about this one resolution? It usually causes you to make better food choices, get more sleep and give up bad habits that are contrary to seeing this goal come to pass. Pretty cool huh? So determine which distance is right for you and carefully formulate a plan that is specific to your life and to your needs--keeping in mind that plans can and should be tweaked to fit into your changing life. Just don't give up on your plan altogether! You can do this!! Keep reminding yourself of that. 

And remember this my friend... you are most definitely worth every ounce of the time, effort and energy it takes to reach the finish line. 

Happy Running!!!


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