Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Hello runner friends! 
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about how taking a few baby steps toward your 2021 goals can motivate you to take a few more, and a few more and a few more still... until you are finally successful. 

But since the Bass Pro Fitness Series is all about inspiring people to get fit and stay fit, let's talk about the two things a person MUST do in order to improve their physical health... move more and eat less. Could it really be that simple? Yes! And achieving this goal will no doubt give you the energy and confidence to tackle the other resolutions on your list as well. 

Okay so if you don't exercise at all, take heart in knowing that you're in very good company. A recent CDC report stated that only 23% of Americans are meeting the federal standards for exercise. Sadly the report also revealed that the majority of Americans are not eating enough fruit and vegetables either. So what's step number one then? Identifying the first few short-term goals that will help you reach your long-term goal of getting fit and staying fit. 

With that in mind, let's look at these baby steps from the viewpoint of a marathon starting line (because this process is not a sprint but a 26.2 mile run). I want you to picture yourself standing there. Can you see the finish line from where you are? Of course not. So running to reach it wouldn't make much sense would it? But you can see quite a ways ahead right? And that's how you need to break it down. Pick out what you can see and make it there. And then do it over and over again  until you are successful. 

Let's start with movement!!! What are three steps you can take right now to put an exercise program into place that you can build off of? 

1. Aim to get the minimum recommended daily amount of exercise each week. Prepare your resolve in advance. 

2. Now make a daily goal to reach that weekly goal. Vow to walk, ride, bike or dance at least 30 minutes each day at least five days a week. You can even mix it up and do a combination of these. And even with the colder weather approaching, you can do this! Walk laps in your house. Take a stroll around the mall. Put on a free dance video or invest in a home exercise machine. Do what you have to do to start taking these baby steps. And remember... go at your own pace and only compare yourself to the person you were yesterday. 

3. On your two rest days, add in strength training sessions. There are some great articles out there for what you can do in your home with what you have in your home. Don't be intimidated either. It's not as hard as you think.

Now let's move on to eating less - and by that I mean eating fewer of the things that have no real nutritional value and replacing them with the fruits and vegetables you need to be eating more of. We're taking baby steps remember?

1. First. Make a list and go shopping because guess what? If you don't have any fruits and veggies in your home, you can't eat them right? And while you're at the store, think about investing in an inexpensive smoothie maker. You'd be amazed at how much more fruit you'll eat if it's blended with your favorite brand of milk and can be consumed on the go. 

2. Meal prep. This is super important and so easy. Even if you can't prep all your food, be sure to have fruits and veggies in your fridge or freezer (avoid canned when possible) at all times so you can grab them when you have the urge to splurge. 

3. Make easy substitutions. Craving that cherry pie? Grab some fresh cherries instead. Have McDonald's french-fries on the brain? Put some frozen fries in your air fryer. Go lighter on the salt and find another type of seasoning that might tickle your palette but be a little more heart healthy. Start with some easy switches. 

So there you have it friends. Start with baby steps. Just don't stop with baby steps! Think of this journey as a marathon and make a plan to get to each mile marker. You'll most likely find that by mile marker number 8, 9 or 10, those baby steps have become bigger steps and you're reaching your goals quicker and quicker. And who knows? By mile 20, you may even be off and sprinting to the finish line... fitter, thinner, smarter and more focused on being the best that you can be... all thanks to those baby steps. Heck, you might even discover that you're now physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to step up to the actual start line of the Bass Pro Half or Full Marathon in November of 2021. It's up to you, but it all starts with the choice to start taking those baby steps today. You can do it!

Happy Running!!!

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