Tuesday, December 8, 2020

BASS PRO MIDWEEK MOTIVATION-Add life to your years

Hello runner friends! 
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about how running can not only add years to your life but life to your years... something that I hope will motivate you to either take up running or take your running to a new level.

So when it comes to living longer, the research is in according to a recent article published in Runner's World Magazine titled Vigorous Exercise Could Add Years to Your Life. All activity is helpful," the researchers said. "But throwing in some intense workouts could give your health an extra boost." That means developing a running routine with a few HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) spurts thrown in can potentially lengthen your lifespan. In fact, researchers went on to say that, "those who had a higher proportion of vigorous physical activity to total amount of exercise showed a lower risk of early death from all causes. That means they were more likely to live longer than those who didn’t have more intense exercise in their routines. And when it comes to how much, 150 minutes of vigorous activity a week seemed to give the largest advantages in terms of health." 

So now that we know how running can add years to your life, let's talk about five ways running can add life to your years. But first, let's discuss what that means. Have you ever met those people who can regale you for hours on end with tales of the fun, crazy, amazing, and sometimes stupid things they've done? Like doing a themed run in a costume? Running a crazy-long distance just to get a buckle when they don't even own a belt? Hiking to the top of a tall mountain just to see the sunrise? Or running a race they weren't trained for just because someone dared them to or because it was for a good cause? These are the people who add life to their years! Think about it... I'm approaching 50 (my birthday is December 23) and living life to the fullest has been my goal for as long as I can remember. I live each day with the intent of making a difference in the life of someone else, learning something new, doing something memorable and maybe even remotely dangerous, working to be better than I was yesterday, and learning to be more grateful. And because of this, my days aren't just lived but experienced to their full (some days more than others of course). But this is what it means to add life to your years. And guess what? Running can help you do that! How? 

1. Because running takes you to places you never dreamed you would go. I am not even joking about this! While you may only see your own neighborhood and maybe even the city park when you first start running, keep with it for a while and you'll most definitely expand your horizons (literally). I would never have dreamed I'd be scaling the mountains of Alaska or running the streets of Boston but those are just two of the places that running has brought me. It may not bring you that far, but it will definitely bring you to places you would never have ventured otherwise... especially if you experience number 2.

2. Because running brings people into your life that will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. This one is so true! Do you remember your mother ever asking you, "If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it?" Well if you're with other runners the answer would most likely be, "Maybe. Is there a shirt and finisher medal at the bottom?" This is just the way runners are and one of the main reasons they add life to their years! They take chances and do things most other people wouldn't even dream of doing... and they make it fun!

3. Because running teaches you that there is always something to be thankful for.  Bad day at work? A simple run can relieve all the stresses from the day and give you a new attitude. Have a problem that you need a solution for? A good run can get your blood pumping and help you brainstorm. Science shows that we think better when we run. Feeling down? A run out in nature can have you counting your blessings. Seeing the sun rise or set has the power to remind you that a new day is sure to bring new hope. Plain and simple, when you're out on a run, your mind can find endless things to be thankful for. And being grateful is one of the very best ways to add life to your years because it allows you to appreciate the moments you are given. 

4. Because running allows you to disconnect from the world. Face it. In this day and age, most people are inundated with social media, texts, calls, news and other alerts that pop up on their phones or computers. And spending time staring at a screen while surfing, posting or tweeting is only living life virtually which is not living life at all. Running allows you to get outside with the purpose of breaking free from life and engaging with nature, the people around you and your own self. I cannot even begin to stress the importance of getting alone and getting away from the noise and distractions of this world regularly. It will transform you!

5. Because running reminds you of how valuable and fleeting time really is. This is something every runner eventually comes to understand. Time stands still for no one. Everyone of us will get older physically no matter how old we remain mentally and it will eventually show in slower finishing times and longer recovery times. This is the beauty of running though. It's a reminder to enjoy every run for what it is... a gift from our Creator that we don't deserve but get to experience. Recognizing that time is limited is the very thing that helps us to make the best use of it, thereby adding life to the years we are given. Think about it... some people live to be 90 and never have anything even remotely interesting to talk about. Other people may live only half that long but more than make up for it in life experiences and the positive and long-lasting impact they had on other people and the world around them. Live to be one of those people!

So there you have it friends... running can not only add years to your life but life to those years. Which is a great reason to make 2021 the year you either become a more consistent runner or take your running to a new level; a level that might not necessarily mean putting in more miles but logging your miles with renewed intention, increased gratitude and a revived sense of wonder and awe at the blessings running brings into your life. Because after all... running truly is a gift. 

Happy Running!!!

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