Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Trials serve a purpose

"'But in their distress they turned to the LORD God of Israel, and they sought Him, and He let them find Him." 2 Chronicles 15:4 NASB

In an article recently published by Runners World Magazine titled, “How Covid-19 has affected our running and riding habits in 2020,” Strava’s Year in Sport Data stats gave an insight into how countless runners around the world reacted to the pandemic. Data from the 73 million people using the fitness app showed how this huge online community has exercised since lockdowns were introduced. And guess what? According to those stats, we’ve been moving more than ever. Strava data confirms what most of us suspected: the pandemic led to an exercise boom, at least in some sports. In 2020, the platform gained two million new members per month, with a total of 21.5 million uploads per week. The Strava team wrote in the report, ‘At the global level, the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a rise of activity on Strava like we’ve never seen before, far surpassing our normal projections.

And you know, there’s another way the events of 2020, namely the lockdowns and economic distress felt by most everyone, have affected people on a global level. A new national poll revealed that one in five non-Christians polled said the crisis caused them to start reading the Bible and watching Christian sermons online. Even many self-identified Christians told the pollsters that they were reading the Bible more than ever, regularly watching or listening to Bible teachings, and "attending" church services online in an effort to understand Bible prophecy. And while it’s sad that it took a trial of this proportion to cause people to seek God, it’s certainly nothing new. The Bible tells us that the Israelites continually “turned to the Lord God of Israel” in their times of distress. Uncertainty and despair have a way of making people do that don’t they?

So at this unprecedented time in history when three in ten Americans polled said they believe that the coronavirus and economic meltdown are “signs that we are living in what the Bible calls the last days,” let us not be silent. Let us by any means possible tell the world that there is hope. And that hope has a name... and that name is Jesus Christ... the One who came to be born in a manger only to die on a cross for our sins. And while no one knows for certain when He will return, we must be ready by seeking the Lord today. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being our peace in the midst of the storms brewing around us. Thank You for the trials that inspire the lost and the backslidden to seek You and the faithful to draw ever closer to You. Although these trials are trying for everyone, help us to embrace them for the good they do. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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