Thursday, December 17, 2020

Recount the stories of faith

"How much more do I need to say? It would take too long to recount the stories of the faith of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and all the prophets." Hebrews 11:32 NLT

I couldn't believe how great I felt Wednesday. The pain in my right foot caused by an inflamed tendon was all but gone after spending two weeks in the pool and I was elated to be free and running outside again despite the cold temperatures and darkness of the early morning. But six miles in—with a smile on my face, a song on my lips and a ramped up pace—I felt it. "Oh no!" I literally cried out loud fighting back the tears as the all too familiar pain reemerged and forced me to stop. "Not another hamstring strain!" But that's exactly what it was. And while I'd like to say that I "got over it" quickly, I sulked for the next couple of hours. But you know what I didn't do? I didn't give up on God. In fact I later prayed, "Lord I’m sorry for the tantrum I had. I admit that I don't understand this trial and I don't understand this pain but I know that there is a reason for it so I will trust You." 

And you know, the Bible is very clear about trials and pain in the life of a believer. Every follower of Jesus Christ will experience them. It's just a fact. And while God certainly uses these times to draw us closer to Him and to make us more like Jesus, He also uses these times to inspire others to keep the faith. You see, it's easy to follow God when things are going well and to have faith in a God who offers a life of ease and comfort right? But when things get hard, that's when our faith is tested. But that's also when we should "recount the stories of the faith" of so many people in the Bible; people like Samson, David, and all the prophets who encountered many of the same tests, trials and pain that we are going through today but kept the faith and were rewarded for doing so. 

So in a world that is sure to bring us pain, sadness and sorrow (sometimes daily), let us remember that our God is always faithful. And let us vow to press on in the midst of our pain so that someone else can see our story of faith being written and be inspired to press on as well. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that the pain we experience in this life is not in vain. Help us to trust You when we don't understand why we have to endure it though. Lord, your ways are so much higher than ours. Please cause that knowledge to strengthen our resolve to press on as we look to You knowing that You are all we need. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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