Monday, November 30, 2020

Forgo playing it safe

“ Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.” Acts 4:29 NIV

“The safest thing for a blind man is to sit still. I ain’t sitting still,” runner Thomas Panek recently told reporters. Since losing his sight nearly three decades ago to a genetic disorder, Thomas has been searching for ways to run including enlisting the help of human running partners and guide dogs. Just recently though, Thomas became the first blind runner to complete a 5k race without using any aid except for a cutting edge camera-assisted artificial intelligence cell phone app he was instrumental in developing. This life-changing app uses painted track markers to calculate a runner’s location and orientation and then responds with audio cues to guide them in the right direction. “To be able to be here, it’s real emotional,” Thomas said. “It’s a real feeling of not only freedom and independence, but also, you know, that sense that you’re just like anybody else." But Thomas is not like anybody else; he is very different from most people who like to “play it safe.”

Sadly, “playing it safe,” or doing whatever it takes to avoid risk or danger, describes the attitude and actions of many Christians who prefer to sit back, get comfortable and blend in rather than address many of the issues threatening the church today—issues such as the teaching of false doctrine and the compromise of the Truth to fit an agenda. But you can be sure this was not the behavior of the apostles or of Jesus. They didn’t “play it safe.” In fact, when the church in Acts was being threatened and persecuted, the apostles didn’t pray for safety... they prayed for the boldness to speak God’s word! Something that we would do well to pray for as well. You see, persecution of the church has already begun and will only get worse if Christians, that means you and me, don't take a stand now. 

So in a world that is growing increasingly hostile to believers and to the Truth, is your plan to “play it safe” and sit still or to speak up for what you know to be right at the risk of being shunned, shouted at, or shut out by a growing majority for doing so? I don't know what your answer is my friend but, "I ain't sitting still” and neither should you. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that the "threats" of the enemy cause you no concern at all because You are and always will be sovereign. Please remind us of that Lord as we pray for the boldness to speak the Truth no matter the consequences we might face. Help us to fearlessly shine the light of Jesus into this dark world so that the lost would find their way to You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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