Monday, December 7, 2020

Jesus sets the captives free

"Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin." John 8:34 ESV

As the Wellness Coordinator for the local health department in our county, I have the blessing of organizing and directing many running and fitness events throughout the year. So you can just imagine the frustration I felt yesterday when I discovered that the company van I use to haul the supplies and equipment needed to do this was vandalized. It seems that, in an effort to steal the catalytic converter from the vehicle, thieves had cut a hole through the floorboard and sawed a portion of the exhaust manifold in half; no doubt for money to buy drugs we were later told by the investigating officer who assured us that we were not alone in our experience. And while I was a bit angry at first, those feelings quickly turned to sadness prompting me to pray, “Oh Lord, the people who did this were desperate to feed their addiction. They are such total slaves to their sin that they will never be able to break free from their bondage unless they turn to You. Compel their hearts to seek you God that they might be find You and be restored." 

And you know, when it comes to sin, Jesus made it abundantly clear that, "everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin," using the analogy of a slave and his master so that you and I would truly understand the power sin has over a person. You see, a slave has no choice but to obey his master—whatever that "master" might be (whether it be drug addiction, porn, adultery, gambling, anger or anything else)—because he or she belongs to and is owned by that master who has total and complete control over them. But guess what? Jesus came to set the captives free, and in Him even the worst of sinners can be forgiven and restored; something we should be telling all those held in bondage. 

So in a world that desperately needs hope now more than ever, let us carry the Message that so many people need to hear... Jesus loves you and wants to free you the sins that are holding you captive today. He can and will break your chains if you will let Him. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that there are hurting people in this world who desperately need to be freed from the chains of addiction. Help us to have compassion on these people Lord that we would be moved to pray for them rather than condemn them as we remember that we too are sinners saved by grace. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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