Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Hello runner friends! 
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series 
MIDWEEK M😊TIVATI😊N blog. Now let's get started by talking about something that makes everyone smile.... Christmas!! Yes! It's almost here and that means most of you are gearing up to give gifts to your loved ones right? Well what about giving the gift of time? What about giving them something they will cherish more than anything you could ever find online or in a store?

So of all the gifts that a person can give, time is perhaps the one that requires the most sacrifice--thus the reason it is the most precious. Why? Because time is something that can't be bought, can't be returned, can't be stopped and can't be borrowed. In other words, time is the most valuable thing you can give to someone else. And the funny thing about giving of your time is that it blesses both you and the receiver. And to give of your time, you won't have to look very far. There are many opportunities to bless someone else by volunteering this holiday season. I, myself, had the opportunity of volunteering at the Run for the Ranch Marathon/Half over the weekend. And guess what? Doing so reminded me of how blessed I was to have been on the receiving end so many times; so much so that it motivated me to look for other ways to serve in the coming year.

And in the spirit of volunteering, check out these stories from fellow volunteers helping at the RFTR race when I asked the question, "What does it mean for you to volunteer?" Their responses are sure to inspire you to not only high-five those serving at races and other events but to be that person serving from time to time.

Alicia Adamson
There are so many reasons why I volunteer but the biggest one is that I love to see other’s be successful. I enjoy listening to people’s anxieties, pains, frustrations, love, hate, relationship with running. I especially like seeing runners at packet pick up and hearing how their training (or lack thereof) went for the event. If I am not racing, I will stand at the finish line and take pictures of all my buddies crushing their race. For me, it fills my heart to see other’s accomplish their goals. - Alicia Adamson

Donna is in front
What It Means to Volunteer: This was my first time volunteering at Run the Ranch. I was a little nervous since I didn’t know exactly what was expected of me. All the races I’ve done over the years looked so effortless and organized. Was I going to be the one who messed it all up? What if I can’t find their name, bib, drop the medal and ding it? What if I don’t know an answer to someone’s question? What I found out this day is the reason those races all look so effortless is because of the tireless volunteers behind the scenes. The ones that don’t sit down, don’t get potty-breaks, the ones that are expert multitaskers and always have their phone ready to reach another volunteer. They know where the first aid kit is and how to set up tents, tables and stack shirts. They’re the ones that arrive hours before each participant and stay hours afterwards cleaning up and tearing down. This was my first time volunteering but it won’t be my last. Even though after 6 hours on my feet, I was sore and had to take Tylenol and a nap that afternoon I know I didn’t do half of what the race directors did!! They were calm and cool under pressure while making sure every participant was congratulated and received a snack. In between running from station to station putting out fires they were asking the volunteers their name. It was a pleasure volunteering with OMRR and I would be honored to do it again. And the next race I run - I will be sure and thank every volunteer I see. Without them our races are nothing! - Donna Ferenczy

Volunteering The Gift that Keeps on Giving... I started volunteering at races last year when I was injured. I did this because I wanted to learn what went into putting on these events as well as say “thank you” to all the countless volunteers I’ve seen at race after race. Volunteering at races is such an incredible experience! You are surrounded by your fitness friends. You are helping people who love to race. You are helping people just starting out at races. You are a part of a great big fitness picture for 100’s of people! I’ve volunteered at OMRR events and Fleet Feet events. The experience is the same. You get to be a part of making the event happen. You are part of bringing people together for an optimal racing experience. I’ve done packet pickup, directed traffic, marked courses, and so on. Once done, I’ve always learned something new or seen things from a different perspective. I would encourage everyone to volunteer at least once. In fact I’d go so far and say once you volunteer you’ll come back again. It will absolutely make you appreciate the hard work that goes into putting these events on. Volunteering truly is the gift that keeps on giving... - Jackson Stilgenbauer

Kris Bossert
Volunteering is the gift that keeps on giving. Do you just love that or what? And to prove that point, think about this... my friend, Kris Bossert, has run countless races. She has also volunteered at countless races. And while I will never know her finishing times, I do know that she has blessed me and so many others with cups of water, bottles of pickle juice, encouraging words and a smile that says, "You can do this." These are the things that people never forget. These are the acts of kindness that warm a person's heart long after the act has passed and the reason selflessly serving others is the gift that keeps on giving. 

So look for opportunities to bless someone today with the gift of your time. It could be by merely performing a random act of kindness, spending extra time with your family, or it could be in a much bigger way like serving at a race or a soup kitchen. Whatever it is, in the spirit of Christmas, let us love others the way Jesus loved us and let us give of our time every chance we get. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Running!!! 

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