Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A total transformation

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 BSB

In a feel good story out of Boston, Channel 7 news recently reported how an old tree is becoming a new statue that will encourage runners at what has been called the toughest spot of the Boston Marathon. Having been blessed to run this iconic race three times, I would agree with that definition which is why I love what the Proctors, who live in Newton by the infamous Heartbreak Hill, decided to do when they couldn't save the 100-year-old tree in their yard after repeated attempts. Rather than removing the dead tree completely, they decided to keep as much of it as they could and have it transformed into a runner by sculptor Ken Packie. “I was, if anything, a little worried people wouldn’t like having it there, and the response has been overwhelming,” Proctor said. “I think people needed some sort of inspiration during these tough times.”

And you know, when it comes to being completely transformed or changed, the Bible tells us that when “we” made the decision to follow Christ, the veil that prevented us from understanding who Jesus is and the freedom He provided was removed and we became like mirrors reflecting "the glory of the Lord..." That means we have been changed from the inside out; a change so dramatic that people can see it. It also means that as we spend time with the Lord, we are  "transformed into His image with intensifying glory” — a process that will continue as long as we tenaciously, determinedly and unwaveringly seek to know Him more so we can reflect His glory more clearly each and every day. 

So if 2020 has you longing for a total change, why not put your faith in Jesus Christ and let Him transform you in a way you never could have imagined? I promise it will be the best thing you will ever do.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the work of transformation that begins in every believer the moment they put their trust in You. Help us to never be satisfied in our walk with You until we reflect you so clearly in all we say and do that those around us would see You when they see us. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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