Sunday, November 15, 2020

The resilient Christian

"If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small." Proverbs 24:10 ESV

To say that this weekend's first annual BAD DAWG 2020 30-hour Ultra event was full of setbacks and trials would be an understatement. From the moment the runners woke up Saturday morning, they were faced with torrential storms that caused a 30 minute race delay due to lightning. And while I'd love to say the storms moved out quickly, they didn't. The runners spent the next four hours battling intermittent rain that caused flooding so bad the course had to be cut short mid-race. And just after dark, the runners were faced with a choice when it was determined that a bad storm was moving in once again... throw in the towel or move into the safety of the gym that served as our aid station to walk/run the miles until the downpour (that brought with it a tornado and more wind, lightning and thunder) passed over. And you know what these resilient runners did? Rather than giving up, they walked and ran miles and miles around the gym and then outside until they completed their 50k, 50 mile or 100 mile distances. Is that awesome or what? 

And you know, when it comes to setbacks and trials, the Bible is very clear that the Christian's life will not be exempt from troubles; which is the very reason every believer must be resilient or able to recover from difficulties very quickly if they want to stay in the race. You see, if we flinch, worry, fret or "faint in the day of adversity," we will never to be able to press on. And ironically enough, it's our troubles that show us who we really are, grow our faith, and prepare us for more difficult situations in the future as we learn to rely on God. It's our troubles that give us two options... to throw in the towel or rely on God. And it’s our resilience gained from these troubles that makes giving up not an option. 

So if you're going through a difficult time today, don't lose heart my friend. Embrace adversity as you look up and trust God, knowing that each time you do you become a stronger and more resilient Christian who is better equipped and more determined to stay in the race. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the trials in life that cause us to look to You for solutions. Help us to embrace difficult situations knowing that they make our faith stronger each time we rely on You and You see us through. Thank You for being the God we can always trust. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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