Sunday, November 22, 2020

Jesus deserves the greatest honor

"Jesus replied: "‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’" Matthew 22:37-38 NIV

Growing up in a family where multiple generations have proudly served in the military--through times of war and times of peace, at home and abroad--I have always had a deep respect for the men and women that serve or who have served in our United States Armed Forces. So when I had the chance to pay respects to them in some small way by running the Honoring Our Heroes Marathon over the weekend, you can bet I did. Joined by many of my military and civilian friends and several hundred other runners who were also honoring these unsung “heroes”, I couldn't help but consider the sacrifices so many of them made and continue to make to provide the freedom that a growing majority of Americans sadly take for granted. 

And you know, when it comes to the ultimate sacrifice, the Bible tells us that Jesus came to this earth to die so that you and I might have eternal freedom from sin and death. And because of this great sacrifice, He deserves nothing short of our utmost and complete honor, respect, gratitude, reverence, admiration, awe, adoration, submission, obedience and praise; something we bestow by observing the "first and greatest commandment" which is to "love the Lord" our God with ALL our hearts, with ALL our souls and with ALL our minds. Did you get that all part? That means we are to love the Lord with our entire and total being; with everything we have without exception or dilution.

So give honor where is honor is due today my friend. Thank a soldier or veteran for their service to our great country; they are certainly deserving of it. But be sure to thank the One to Whom we owe our utmost gratitude to for giving us eternal freedom by His death on the cross.... Jesus Christ. Honor Him not only with your lips but with your life. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us once again that freedom isn't free but is always the result of sacrifice. Thank You for the brave men and women who gave their lives so that we could live in a free country and for those willing to serve today. But mostly Lord, thank You for your Son who died so that we could have eternal freedom in You. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!! 

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