Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Serve wholeheartedly at every age

“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people,” Ephesians 6:7 NIV

On Saturday, October 10, Ian Barnes did something many runners only dream about doing. He ran a mile in 8 minutes and 10 seconds. What makes this so incredible though is that Ian is 85 years old (and is now the British Masters mile record holder for his age group). Speaking after the race that gave him the title, Barnes said, “I’m very pleased with that. I expected to do about nine minutes.” The retired legal executive, who is joint president of Darlington Harriers running club, said he started running when he was in his twenties and never stopped. In fact, Ian, who turns 86 in December, when asked why he still chooses to race, said, “I enjoy it, I suppose. It gets the adrenaline going. You have your highs and lows, of course, and it’s great to keep fit.” Don’t you just love his attitude?

And you know, while most people will be unable to run an eight or nine minute mile in their eighties, becoming as fit as one can be and staying that way over a lifetime is something every believer should strive to do. Why? Because every believer is called to “serve wholeheartedly" or with complete sincerity, enthusiasm, dedication, devotion and commitment; something they can only do when they are at their best physically. But let me remind you that you and I, as believers, are not called to serve for a portion of our lives but for our whole lives and with our whole lives. That means giving everything we have for the cause of Christ from beginning to the very end. 

So remembering that we are to serve as if "serving the Lord" and "not people," may you and I strive to be the best we can be physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. After all, if we, as believers, are to be the living sacrifice God is calling each one of us to be, we must be our very best so we can give our very best. Our God deserves nothing less. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that the earthly bodies we dwell in were made to serve You. As such, help us to understand the importance of taking care of them that we might use them to to the best of our ability all the days we are given. Give us an urgency to go out into the world as a living sacrifice to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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