Sunday, May 12, 2019

The proper footwear

"For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared." Ephesians 6:15 NLT

Image result for runners wearing flip flops
With summer quickly approaching, many runners will soon be donning their flip-flops. And while this type of flimsy footwear might help us keep cool, Dr. Priya Parthasarathy, a podiatrist and spokeswoman for the American Podiatric Medical Association, tells us why we should opt for a better shoe. “Flip-flops don’t provide any support. There’s no structure. Your feet have to work much harder to grip the flip-flop.That means you’re overusing your muscles, especially in the posterior compartment of the leg, where a lot of your running muscles are located. If your feet are working so hard during the day, then you go for a run, it’s extra stress on all your muscles and ligaments.” Thankfully though, that doesn't mean runners can't wear sandals at all, she went on to say, they just need to opt for ones that have structure like Birkenstocks or Chacos.

And speaking of footwear that’s good for us, did you know the Bible is very specific about the shoes you and I should be wearing? Saying, "for shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared." Prepared for what though? Prepared to dig deep and stand firm in the spiritual battles we will face in life. This means you and I have to spend time in the Word and in prayer each and every day that we might grow in the knowledge of the gospel. You see, it’s only through this deep and intimate awareness of the Truth that you and I learn to truly trust God - a trust that grants us perfect “peace” and strength to endure and persevere when we are hard-pressed and attacked from every side. 

So be intentional about your footwear my friend and be sure to properly shod yourself daily. After all, if you and I aren't standing firm in the knowledge that the Word is true, we might lose our footing and fall victim to the lies and assaults of the enemy. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the timely reminder that having the proper footwear is crucial in our mission to stand firm that we might be able to tell others about the Good News of the gospel. Help us to have an urgency to grow in the knowledge of the Truth so that we would have the peace to boldly go wherever we are called, not content to rest until the whole world hears the Message. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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