Thursday, May 30, 2019

Difficult circumstances

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people." Genesis 50:20 NLT

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As I listened to the participants of the aqua running class I'm blessed to teach talk about how grateful they were to have discovered this amazing exercise that all ages and fitness levels can do last night, I had to fight back tears. These men and women were so happy to be "running" and I couldn't help but thank God for the adversity that brought me here. You see, several years ago while preparing to run the Boston Marathon, I developed tendinitis and was told to take six-weeks off from running. I was devastated knowing that I would be healed in time to run but would be unable to since I would lose all endurance from the time off. Thankfully though, God brought someone into my life that introduced me to aqua running and I was able to train through the injury and finish the race. Most importantly though, God arranged this difficult circumstance to lead me to the place where He could use me today. 

And you know, God is good like that. Whether we realize it at the time or not, God can and will use our difficult circumstances for good... that is if we don't give up. Consider Joseph. He was sold by his brothers into slavery and imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. But through each trial, Joseph never wavered in his belief that God was still in control and so patiently waited, trusting that God's plan was best. And you know what? God's plan was best. Those difficult circumstances brought Joseph to the "position" where God could use Him to "save the lives of many people" when a seven-year drought ravaged the land. 

And you know what? God wants to use each and every one of us too - maybe never in a position where we can save thousands of people, but in a position where we can do good nonetheless. And truthfully, if we reach just one person, wouldn't it make any difficult circumstance worth going through? I sure think so. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that You are always in control no matter how it appears and that You are working all things for the good of those who believe. Father, I pray that everyone in the midst of a trial or difficult circumstance would truly believe that and find comfort in the midst of their pain. Help us to trust You at all times Lord and to praise You in every circumstance. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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