Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Embrace discomfort

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness." James 1:2,3 ESV

Image result for runner in ice bath
For years runners have known that taking an ice bath immediately following a hard workout was one of the most effective ways of reducing delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) and shortening recovery time. But now, researchers say there are benefits to taking cold showers too. Not only will cold showers help remove lactic acid more efficiently than a warm shower, they say, but taking them often could make you tougher mentally. Any time you can force yourself to withstand a physically uncomfortable situation (one that doesn’t threaten your safety, obviously), it forces you to toughen up. “If you can suck it up and stand in a cold shower, it makes you think, what other uncomfortable situations can you push through? Those last reps in your strength workout? The final kick of a marathon?” Developing your mental strength is just as important as building physical strength, and this could be one of the easiest ways to do it.

And you know, having mental strength could also be defined as having a steadfast, resolute or dutifully firm and unwavering way of thinking - the kind of thinking that says, "I will remain loyal, faithful, committed, and devoted to following Christ no matter what." Ironically this mental "steadfastness" is only formed when you and I go through “trials of various kinds." You see, the more you and I encounter and overcome uncomfortable situations, the more we toughen up - which causes us to develop the grit and conviction to say, "No matter what happens, I will never back down." 

Perhaps you're in an uncomfortable situation today? One that might be so uncomfortable that it has you on the verge of giving up? Don't do it my friend! “Count it all joy” instead and embrace each trial knowing they are working to make your faith stronger. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we can be joyful in trials because your Word tells us that we are purified, refined and made more like You by them. Help us to remain firm and unwavering in our faith when we are faced with these uncomfortable situations - that others might see this unwavering faith and come to know You because of it. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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