Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Practice what you preach

"Well then, if you teach others, why don’t you teach yourself? You tell others not to steal, but do you steal?" Romans 2:21 NLT

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Knowing my daughter's shins had been hurting for a few days, I asked her to go for a walk with me rather than a run over the weekend. Midway through though, she said, "I think I'll run for a little bit." To which I responded, "You really need to take a few days off honey. Pain is the body's way of telling us that something just isn't right. Trust me, I'm a running coach remember?" And what she said next really stung, "Well you don't listen to your body Mom. You run through pain all the time." Talk about being convicted about practicing what I preach! "You're right honey," I said sadly. "But look what happens when I do. An ache that could have been gone away after a few days of rest turns into an injury that lasts for weeks." 

And you know, when it comes to practicing what we preach, the Bible is very clear that you and I should strive to avoid any hint of hypocrisy - which means we should strive to avoid any behavior that contradicts with what we claim to believe. In other words, the things you and I "teach others" to do or not to do are the very things we ourselves should do or not do. So if you and I “tell others not to steal," we shouldn't steal. And if we teach our children that they should be honest and kind, we, ourselves, should be honest and kind. 

So knowing that our actions determine the credibility of our words and what we teach then, may you and I vow to practice what we preach at all times. After all, if people, especially our children, don't see us living by our convictions, they will never listen to what we say. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for my daughter who constantly serves to remind me of the importance of being true to the things I say. Lord, help us to remember that people are always watching us and that living contrary to what we profess to believe might lead them away from You - something we just can't allow. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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