Tuesday, August 26, 2014

He is listening

"You have done many good things for me, Lord, just as you promised."  Psalm 119:65

Did someone forget to tell summer that it was about time to start packing up?  With the heat index of 101 today, I don't think summer got the memo.  Add in the humidity and it made for some very hot running weather. Halfway through my morning run, I stopped by the fountain in the park for a quick drink.  I pushed the button, running in place as I was waiting, and nothing came out.  Oh please Lord, let water flow from this fountain I prayed as I kept the button pushed down in hopeful expectation.  As the cool water finally spewed up, I was overcome with gratitude at how deeply personal the Lord is. He just gave me a drink!  Had it come up instantly, I would have missed an opportunity for God to show his great love for me.  Had I given up immediately, I would have missed the blessing entirely. I then wondered how many other times had I thrown in the towel just moments from encountering his grace.

In a world of fast food restaurants, express lanes, instagram photos and drive-through everything, we have become accustomed to having our needs met quickly - the sooner the better is the motto of many. But God doesn't work like that. Just as the farmer waits for his harvest to be ready, God knows when we will be ready. By patiently waiting for the right conditions for the seeds to grow, the farmer is rewarded with a bountiful harvest.  As we wait on the Lord, we too will have our rewards. " Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen." James 5:7

1 Peter 3:12 says that, "The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers."  There's two things then of which you can be certain, He loves you and He is listening.   

Heavenly Father, thank You for your perfect timing. I pray that we are patient and trusting as You work out the details of our lives.  Help us to follow you in the times we feel like giving up.  I pray that we remember that You will do what's best for us, not what we think is best. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus, Amen.  

Happy running!!!

They that wait-Fred Hammond

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