Sunday, February 21, 2021

Let it go

"'Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 NLT

If you're a coffee lover like I am, the caffeinated delight is probably your go-to drink to prepare for morning runs right? But have you ever considered adding some protein powder or a shake to make it your go-to recovery drink as well? While not exactly a new idea, proffee (protein plus coffee) is seeing a massive resurgence according to Runner's World Magazine. Carissa Galloway, a registered dietitian, had this to say about it, "Consuming protein is important for keeping muscles strong and to prevent a decrease in muscle mass. Proffee can be a convenient, quick way for runners to get the protein they need after a workout and start that important recovery process." And since coffee is such a big part of many runners’ day-to-day routine—especially morning runners—the inclusion of protein feels like a no-brainer. And what runner doesn't appreciate a quick and easy way to recover from logging some miles right? 

And you know, while it might be easy for a person to recover quickly from the stresses of training, recovering from hurt might not happen so fast. In fact, many Christians reading this today will be saying, "That's certainly me. I just can't seem to let it (referring to the cause of their hurt) go and it's killing me." If that's you, let me remind you that whatever that "it" is you're holding onto, "it" is keeping you from the "rest" Jesus wants to give you. Which is the very reason, He said, "Come to me..." Did you get that part? Jesus personally invites you to come to Him because He loves you. He understands your hurt, He sees your heart, He feels your pain and He knows that He is the only one that can take it from you and replace it with the true peace you so desperately desire and need. 

So whatever your "it" is today and whether you've been holding on to it for a week, a year or even thirty years, it's time to let "it" go my friend. It's time to lay all those "heavy burdens" down at the foot of the Cross and be free from the weight of the hurt and pain. Won't you do that today? 

Heavenly Father, thank You for personally allowing us to bring our hurts, our problems and our cares to You in exchange for the true peace and rest that only You can provide. Lord stir the heart of that person today who is holding onto something they need to let go... compel them to release it and experience life free from the burden of their pain. It's in Your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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