Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about strategies to help you stay motivated when you're not seeing any results. 

Okay, so if you've been doing really, really good with your training plan and have been motivated by the results you’ve been seeing over the past few weeks or months. But now, as happens over time, you have hit a plateau; something that has stopped you from seeing any results at all. And something that has you frustrated to the point that you're now considering throwing your hands up in the air and shouting, "I quit!"  If that's you today, I beg you to reconsider that decision and consider the words of Confucius who said,  "It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop." 

So what does that mean for you exactly? It means, stop looking for quick results!! You won't be getting them anymore. The biggest gains in any fitness plan are usually gained at the start of that plan and then expounded on little by little. Think of it this way, if you were a house under construction, the foundation has been laid, your frame has been built, the walls are up, the shingles are on the roof and the windows have been installed--and all the while it was being done, you and those around you were saying, "Well, would you look at that? That project is really coming along quickly." And while that project, aka you, might indeed have been coming along at a rapid pace, the house is FAR from being finished; you are FAR from being finished. In fact, for all intents and purposes, that house isn't even able to be lived in yet. It still needs flooring, appliances, paint, curtains, furniture, and so much more. Are you getting the picture? All these things take time to install which means, from the outside, it appears as if the construction has stopped. But it hasn't..... unless you quit! 

So in an effort to motivate you to keep pressing on (after all you've already done so much!), I encourage you to check out these five strategies that might be just what you need to regain your motivation and/or keep it. And remember... "It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop." 

. Eliminate procrastination. The definition of procrastination is putting off or delaying something. Which means when you're procrastinating, you're not moving!!! That means you're not even going slow, you've stopped altogether. A house will NEVER be built if you procrastinate. Consider this... even if you're moving as slow as a turtle in peanut butter, you'll still be seeing results; they may be small and long fought but you'll still see them. For instance, let's just pretend that your goal is to paint the kitchen in this new home you're building. If you procrastinate, it will NEVER get done. But if you apply just one stroke of paint from a small brush on a wall each day, the wall will eventually be finished and you can move on to the next wall. When that wall is finished after applying just one stroke of paint from a small brush each day, you can move on to the next wall and the next. See where I’m going with this? What you’re doing may be slow going, but it's going nonetheless! Do some type of movement every day and you'll be amazed at the results that occur slowly over time.

2. Go for a short run. I don't even care if it's just around the block. Get out there for 15 minutes. And if you're more of a walker than a runner, pick up the pace and speed walk as briskly as you can for that set time and not one second shorter. Just get your blood pumping and your mind intent on seeing those 900 seconds go down. This does two things. First, it reminds you that you are in charge--you control what you do and you have the power to make the decision to override those thoughts saying, "I don't feel like doing anything today," or "I'm just too tired." By the time you truly realize what you've done, the endorphins will most likely have kicked in and you might even want to go further. If nothing else, you might get lucky and get lost. This will kick in your survival skills and gain you more movement time as you make your way back to the couch. 

3. Visit a few "Open Houses." What do I mean by that? Check out what other successful people are doing or have done. Watch motivational videos and read books by people who have overcome the habits or mindsets that are keeping you from reaching your goals. Surround yourself with positive people who refuse to stand still and you'll be absolutely amazed at the changes in your life. After all, good "builders" never stop building and they will encourage you to do the same. 

4. Try something new. Or two something news. Start with finding a new place to workout. For real, sometimes a change of scenery is just what a person needs to recharge their passion to crush their goals. There's just something about being in a new place that re"news" our attitudes. And here's a good one... find an audio book, YouTube video or really long podcast that interests you. Then make a deal with yourself that you can ONLY listen to it when you are moving. That surely might get you off the couch when the plot gets good. 

5. Practice gratitude. For real, this works! Sometimes people forget that movement of any kind is not only medicine as it has the power to heal and strengthen the mind, body and soul but that movement is a gift from God. But not everyone has this gift! While it is today and you have the ability to walk or run, be thankful. Express those feelings out loud, sing about them even! The joy gratitude puts in a person's heart gives energy like nothing else can. It's crazy but it's true!

So there you have it friends. Every person striving to get fit or stay fit will experience plateaus and moments where it feels like nothing is happening. This is totally normal. But it's also totally the time when you need to dig deep and keep building on that fitness foundation you've worked so hard to erect and establish. You've come this far, don't quit now!! Keep moving... even it it's at a snail's pace knowing that each step forward is one step closer to seeing the project, aka the person you want to be, completed. You can do this if you just don't stop!

Happy Running!!!

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