Thursday, July 30, 2020

Keep walking by faith

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV

Legally Blind, Melissa Blume and Running Guide Brooke Danielson ...
In an article published yesterday by Shape, it was reported that legally blind runner Melissa Blume recently crossed the finish line of The North Face Endurance Series 50k race at Bear Mountain in New York. And after reading her story, all I could say was wow! Just to put that feat into perspective, let me tell you how difficult this would be for someone with 20/20 vision. Not only was the race 31 miles but, like the majority of trail runs, it was filled with obstacles like tree roots, rocks, hills, creeks and dangerous terrain; all things that could trip up a person with perfect vision. To even get to this point though, Melissa had relied on her guide runner, Brooke Danielson, who she had been training with for the past four years and trusted to guide her to the finish line. By staying close to Brooke throughout the race and allowing her to lead by words and gentle tugs on her arm to go this way or that, Melissa 'saw' well enough to complete the race and claim the prize. 

And you know, this world can be a dark place to navigate with it's twists, turns, trials, and tribulations; and even more so as the end times draw near. And even though you and I might have 20/20 physical vision, it's sometimes hard to see the reason for our suffering. Which is the exact reason we must continue running the Christian race with complete faith in our Guide; one-hundred percent confident that His promises are true and that one day we will receive the prize all those who have endured until the end are assured they will receive

So if you're going through a hard time or an uphill battle right now, hold tight my friend. Cling to your faith like never before. Keep your eyes on Christ and keep running the race knowing that it will be worth it in the end. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God that can be completely trusted. Help us to remember that our present struggles and hardships are nothing in comparison to the prize that awaits us if we will remain faithful. Give us eyes to see how big you are Lord that our faith would be strengthened and our hearts refreshed. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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