Monday, July 27, 2020

Be ready to give an answer

“Honor Christ and let him be the Lord of your life. Always be ready to give an answer when someone asks you about your hope.“ 1 Peter 3:15 CEV

“Good morning! I wanted to ask you a quick question,” my friend, Kelsie, wrote in a text last week. “I am looking at buying a hydration vest for my marathon training as I have quickly found out that I need one! What type of hydration vest do you have?” And you can be sure that I told her. Having tried many different types and brands throughout the years and finally having found one that I love, I was so anxious for her to purchase the same vest for herself that I sent her the link. And to my delight, she texted back within minutes to thank me for the recommendation and to let me know that she had placed her order..

And you know, if you’re like most runners, you’ll gladly “give an answer” to any question that pertains to running. In fact, you’re probably always ready with an answer right? I mean, that’s what we do. But there’s something this world needs to hear about much more than the best running gear to buy... and that thing is hope. The true hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Which is exactly why you and I need to “be ready when someone asks” us “about our hope" so that they, by hearing our testimony and the reasons we believe what we believe, might accept the One who will give them the same hope.  

So be willing, ready and anxious to share the good things God has done and why you have made him "Lord of your life" my friend. You'll be so glad you did; because just as it is with any other recommendation, first-hand knowledge and a favorable review of what a person is recommending has great power in influencing another person's decision to act.  

Heavenly Father, thank You for being the God whose promises are always true. Thank You for giving each one of us a unique testimony which proves the validity of each one of those promises. Cause us to be bold, yet gentle, in sharing our testimony Lord that the lost would turn to you before it's too late. It’s in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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