Thursday, July 23, 2020

Just be kind

"Kind words are like honey--they cheer you up and make you feel strong." Proverbs 16:24 CEV

In A World Where You Can Be Anything, be Kind - St Martin Apostolate
"This is how some people feel," my long-time running friend, Ed, wrote in a message to me yesterday morning with a link to a song titled Would Anyone Care. "We can save them with a kind word," he added. Knowing that an increasing number of people are suffering from depression, anxiety, despair, and even suicidal thoughts right now because of all the unrest in our nation, the fear of COVID, and the everyday pressures of life, I listened to the words of the song he sent as I fought back tears, "Would anyone care... Would anyone cry... If I finally stepped off this ledge tonight? Would anything change? Would you all be just fine? 'Cause I need a reason to not throw the fight. It just might save my life."  

And you know, kind words spoken at the right time indeed have the power to save someone's life—because they have the power to remind someone that they are cared about, that they are worthy, and that they always have a reason to not throw the fight. But guess what? Since the majority of people suffering from sorrow, sadness, and a complete lack of hope go to great lengths to appear anything but happy, it's important that you and I lift up others at every opportunity; knowing that a broken heart might be behind that forced smile. It's important that we look people in the eyes and wait for a response when we ask the question, "How are you today?” And then follow up that question with, “Is there anything I can do to make your life easier?" You’ll be surprised at the doors those two simple questions will open! 

So make an extra-ordinary effort to show kindness to everyone you meet today and everyday. Go out of your way to practice kindness in your home and in your workplace as well. You'll never know this side of heaven who might have had their hope restored because of a kind thing you did or a kind word you spoke. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that there are a whole lot of people in this world longing for hope. Help us to say the words they need to hear Lord that we might not only give them hope but lead them to You... the Source of all hope and healing. Help us to see others as you do Jesus and to love them like You do as well. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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