Monday, October 21, 2019

Socially acceptable

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." Isaiah 5:20 NIV

Image result for runner eating pie pic
In an article published by Canadian Running Monday, it was noted that many runners have either completed their first fall marathon or are in the final weeks of preparing for it. And like many other long-distance runners, these athletes will be struggling with emotional and physical fatigue. This fatigue, the article said, can lead to certain practices that wouldn't be common at many other times but are socially acceptable post-race and so are totally okay to do. Just a few of those practices listed were eating pie for breakfast, telling anyone who will listen how hard the marathon was, buying out the Band-aid section of your local drug store and having a plethora of bedside table snacks since the marathon leaves you with a hunger that doesn't go away while you sleep. 

And you know, while the standard for what behavior is acceptable after a long-distance race might continually change, God's standard for what is acceptable behavior never changes no matter how 'socially acceptable' some behaviors might have become. In fact, Isaiah was clear that those people who blur the lines of what the Bible says is right and wrong to justify their agenda or lifestyle and "who call evil good and good evil" will face God's judgement. 

So in a world that is ever-expanding its’ list of things that are now acceptable, let us hold tight to our convictions my friend, looking only to the Bible when determining what behaviors are right and wrong. And then... let us love others in the same way Jesus did without compromising our stand on the Truth no matter how ‘socially acceptable’ a sin has become. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for being a God whose Word never changes. Help us to always remember that the standards of acceptable behavior recorded 2,000 years ago are the same standards of behavior that are acceptable today no matter what the world may say. Help us to stand firm in our faith Lord, refusing to compromise what we know to be true. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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