Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Choose your friends wisely

"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." Proverbs 13:20 ESV

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As the race director of the Frog Hill Half/10k/5k, I am used to getting a lot of emails with questions about the course, packet pickup, discount codes and common race day instructions. And while most times the questions are general and very easy to answer I knew one inquiry I received last week, just days before the event was set to occur, regarding the distribution of photos would require me to seek counsel. You see, I was completely unsure how to answer the question without sounding uncaring or unprofessional so I sought the advice of a dear friend and fellow race director who I admired and trusted. And you know what? She provided a response so 'perfect' that it opened up an opportunity for me to not only answer the question properly but to extend some caring and kindness that I felt was much needed by the sender of the email.

And you know, when it comes to learning how to handle certain situations or even navigate life in general, the Bible is clear that, "whoever walks with the wise becomes wise" and whoever is "the companion of fools will suffer harm." Spiritually speaking, that means when you and I seek out and heed good and godly instruction, we make good and proper decisions and learn from the experience thus becoming wise. But if we seek out and heed bad instruction from someone who is not following Christ, the results are disastrous. 

So when looking to become wiser, look to wise people my friend. Walk with them, associate with them and mimic them (keeping in mind that ‘perfect' advice will always align with the Word) and you'll soon benefit from their knowledge, example and instruction. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for those people we can turn to for good and godly advice. People who choose to always do the right thing, serving as a role model for others. Help us to strive to grow in the knowledge of your Word and in your love that we might be those people to others as well. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

Perfect wisdom of our God

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