Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Always room for improvement

"I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding." Philippians 1:9 NLT

Jeannie Rice Berlin Marathon
In October 2018, 70-year-old Jeannie Rice stunned the running community when she broke 3:30 for the marathon upon crossing the finish line at Chicago in 3:27:50. And if that wasn't impressive enough, on September 29, 2019, at the age of 71, Jeannie broke her own age group world record by crossing the finish line of the Berlin Marathon in 3:24:48. And this amazing athlete who averaged 7:49 per mile to do this has no plans of getting comfortable but said she knows there is room for improvement. "I’m kind of glad I didn’t break 3:20. It gives me something to try for." Wow! How's that for inspiration for us to never give up in our pursuit to become better? 

And you know, while you and I should definitely aspire to be better at leading healthier and more productive and active lives, there's one area in every Christians' life that always has room for improvement... and that's in the area of love. You see, Paul knew the more the believers in the church at Philippi loved one another the more united they would be and the more they would "keep on growing in knowledge and understanding" leading Paul to pray that their love for one another would "overflow more and more." In other words, Paul was hopeful that the church wouldn't get comfortable where they were but would constantly, persistently, determinedly, and aggressively be aspiring to show love to one another in bigger and better ways. 

So knowing that increased love for our brothers and sisters leads us to a greater understanding of God and an increased discernment of His will, may we all admit to having room for improvement. And then let us, like Paul, pray fervently that our love for one another would "overflow more and more"- never satisfied until we love like Jesus. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder that we should never get comfortable where we are whether it be spiritually or physically but should always be looking for ways to glorify You with our bodies and with the love we show to the fellow believers and to the lost. Help us to love like You love Lord that we might be a light in this dark world. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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