Monday, July 7, 2014

Finding balance

Finding balance

"But they delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about his law." Psalm 1:2

What a joy it was to have a three day weekend to celebrate Independence Day.  Like many other Americans, I spent it vacationing with the family.  Rather than waste one precious moment I might get to spend with my husband and children, I arranged a basket by our camper door that contained everything I would need to run.  I woke up early, grabbed the basket and headed to the public restrooms to change to avoid waking them up and then headed out for a quick 5 miles. While it would be much easier to skip the workout,  I would miss out on my daily meeting.... my alone time with God. 

I've learned that finding a balance makes life much easier and that a little sacrifice offers huge rewards.  So many times we resist going for that short run or doing just a few minutes of bible study because we can't do "a lot".  Sometimes we just have to "be okay" with "being okay".   In the period of three days, 5 miles turned into 15 and 30 minutes of daily bible study turned into 90.  Just think how that can add up in the course of a lifetime!

Spending time with God should always be our main priority whether we are at home or on vacation.  At times you just have to be creative though.  If you're not able to run, go for a walk. If that's not possible, just find a quiet spot.  While on my run Friday morning, I saw a lady reading her bible while sitting under a tree at the campground-my heart smiled as I waved and wished her a blessed day. Starting our day off with His guidance is the best way to ensure that we stay focused on Him. Unfortunately, these family times will pass by quickly.... children grow and life goes on. Find that balance that you need to enjoy it now without neglecting the One who gave it. 

Heavenly Father, thank you for the this gift of life.  Thank you for family and friends that make it so much more enjoyable. Help us to find a balance.  While we know there are times when we seem stretched to find time for everything, remind us that You are what's important and help us to find ways to spend time with You.   In your precious name we pray, Jesus.   Amen.

Happy Running!!!

I'm here to meet with you.  Come and meet with me-Paul Baloche

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