Monday, November 15, 2021

Use your talents to serve

"And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand." Isaiah 64:8 NLT

On November 20, the nationally televised Musial Awards which honors great moments of sportsmanship, kindness, and grace from around the world will honor twelve-year-old runner Rebel Hays for his dedicated service to helping 18-year-old blind runner Paul Scott participate in cross-country at West Fork High. Described by his mom, Louann, as being gifted with the ability to run fast since he was a baby, Louann says he's been winning races since a school fundraiser when he was four. As much as he loves running, he loves a challenge even more. So, when West Fork Highschool put out a call for guide runners, Rebel stepped up. At the time, he was in the second grade. "He was like I can do that," recalls LouAnn. "And so he asked coach Surber, coach Surber had seen him run, you know, fun runs and stuff. And she was like, yeah, if you think he can. And so that's how it got started." And Rebel and Paul have been tethered ever since. During a race, using a guide rope, Rebel helps Paul navigate the course. He is Paul's eyes and always in his ear. Of Rebel's service to Paul, Coach Furber went on to say, "You know, we're called in this life to love others and serve others and use our talents. And Rebel gives us a wonderful demonstration of that." Do you just love that or what?

And you know, whether you believe it or not, each and every one of us has a unique talent or gift that can be used to love and serve others. And I say unique because the Bible tells us that we are the clay and that God is the potter. We were all formed by His hand in the way that He individually deemed fit for us to be fashioned. That means you and I are one-of-a-kind creations given distinctive, individual, and special skills and strengths. And while you may not have discovered your unique talent yet, you can be sure that you have one... one that should be used to exhibit and show the same love that Jesus wonderfully demonstrated when He came to serve rather than be served. 

So if you have a unique talent, no matter who uncommon it might be, use it to serve others my friend. By doing so, you will reflect the love of Jesus and draw others to the foot of the Cross. And if you haven't discovered yours yet, don't worry. Simply pray that God would reveal it to you and then use it to the best of your ability. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that we are all gifted in unique and special ways. Help us to discover and develop what that means to us Lord, that we might use our talents to love others and serve others. Doing anything less would be a waste of the gift. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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