Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Hello runner friends!
Welcome back to the Bass Pro Fitness Series

Now let's get started by talking about a phenomenon that I like to call Post Marathon Depression Disorder or PMDD. This is a condition that commonly occurs several days after a person crosses the finish line of the race they've been training hard for. It's the valley that many runners sink into after having reached that mountaintop experience that causes them to say to themselves, "What next?" 

Most likely, if you ran the Bass Pro Marathon last weekend like I did, you're experiencing a few PMDD symptoms already. Symptoms that include feeling a little lost, irritated, unmotivated to run, lazy, unproductive or even anti-social, sad, or disappointed; things you can expect to experience even if you crushed your goal. Why? Because you have nothing to focus on with the same passion and determination that you did during those weeks and months of training. Thankfully, though, there are five things you can do right now to battle this depressive disorder that is totally real.

1. Register for a race. Seriously, there is nothing like setting a new goal to bridge the gap between what you did and what you're going to do that works better to squelch those feelings of depression. This will allow you to look back and smile and then look forward to what's next with an even bigger smile. This might sound so simple but it works. 

2. Give yourself a full weekend of rest and let yourself enjoy it! The second part is the key. Let yourself enjoy it! You've been training every weekend for months right? At this point you might not even remember a Saturday or Sunday where a long run wasn't on the schedule. But guess what? You've earned the rest. The time off will not only allow you to recharge physically but will refresh you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally too. Training takes a lot out of a person. And if you're worried about being set back from all your gains, don't worry about it. Taking a few days off will benefit you way more than it will set you back. 

3. Cross-train. While training for a marathon or similar big race is great exercise, the repetitive nature of it is bound to result in some imbalances. Use this time after your race to identify those tight spots (looking at you quads) and weak areas (hello, glutes and core). Doing so will prep your body and balance your muscles for the next big goal ahead. Some great things to do include swimming, aquarunning (being sure to include flexibility and strength training moves), biking, yoga, and the elliptical. 

4. Get a massage. For real. This will not only help you heal but will set you up for success to achieve that new goal you have set for yourself. The major benefit of massage is that it relaxes tense muscles and removes adhesions or minor scar tissue between muscles and fascia, a fancy word for the sheath or casing that surrounds your muscles. Unneeded tension and adhesions can restrict movement and impair your range of motion, potentially leading to abnormal movement patterns that can cause overuse injuries. See why a massage is such a great idea? This is something you would benefit from doing often. 

5. Grab a friend or two and get outside. While you may not be recovered well enough to be back running yet, getting outside will do wonders for your mood. And the conversation with friends will too! Go for a brisk walk or a hike. You'll soon find that the cloud over your head has made way for sunshine. 

So there you have it friends. As someone who has run nearly 100 marathons, I can attest that PMDD is very real. Acknowledge your feelings and know that you're not alone. Nearly every runner will experience PMDD at some point in their lives. But you can cut the time down that you experience this disorder significantly by setting another goal. I've got my sights set on Dogwood Canyon this weekend and that has me smiling from ear to ear. But hey, if you're not registered to run the trails of Dogwood, pick another race and get signed up for it today. Knowing that you have something to train for will have you smiling from ear to ear too. Now go grab a friend and get outside. It's a beautiful day to see a new sunrise, breathe in the fall air, and to count your blessings (something that also helps ward off PMDD). 

Happy Running!!!

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