Sunday, November 28, 2021

God can use every circumstance

"Now I want you to know, brothers, that my circumstances have actually served to advance the gospel." Philippians 1:12 BSB

After receiving a message from my friend, Leslie, last week explaining that she was injured and wouldn't be able to attend the second annual Bad Dawg Ultra (of which I'm a Co-Director) that took place over the weekend, I messaged her back, "I’m so sorry!! I know how you feel believe me. I’m sidelined right now with an injury as well... if you still want to participate in some way come on out and volunteer with us. It will be fun!" To my sheer delight, Leslie not only arrived at the race before it started but stayed until the majority of the runners finished, encouraging us all as she gladly assisted in whatever way was needed. She was such a blessing, in fact, that I couldn't help but thank God for placing the two of us together. You see, despite our inability to run in the race she and I so desperately wanted to participate in, we both seemed to know that because of our "circumstances" we were in the exact place God wanted us to be... out on the course, co-workers in God's service. Knowledge, that you can be sure, put joy in our hearts and smiles on our faces. 

And you know,  as Paul clearly understood, the Lord will arrange the "circumstances" of our lives in whatever way is necessary so that the Good News can be advanced; which is the very reason that you and I must keep the joy at all times so that we can be so different and set apart that the world takes notice. To illustrate that, consider this... Paul was in a Philippian jail when he wrote, "Now I want you to know, brothers, that my circumstances have actually served to advance the gospel." He wasn't irritated, angry, or resentful but happy that God had placed him in the exact spot where he could encourage fellow Christians who were afraid of persecution to be bold and proclaim the gospel without fear! Not only that, but Paul's attitude (that was so contrary to the world's) inspired many of the Roman soldiers who made up the palace guard to seek Jesus. Is that amazing or what? 

So if your current life situation is less than desirable, look up my friend and smile. Choose to follow Paul's example and make the most of every "circumstance" you might find yourself in knowing that God can and will use every detail of your life to advance the gospel... if you’ll allow Him to that is. That's pretty amazing if you ask me. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that You not only know what's happening in our lives but many times maneuver us into our positions through any means necessary so that we might be salt and light in a dark world desperately in need of hearing the Good News. Lord, help us to stay faithful, content, and joyful in every circumstance that we find ourselves in so that we can work to advance the gospel. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen. 

Happy Running!!!

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