Monday, November 8, 2021

Our decisions add up

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

After pacing the 5:30 group (5 hours, 30 minutes) at the Bass Pro Marathon Sunday morning, I couldn't help but thank God that my co-pacer, Jody, and I got the runners following us to the finish line on time. "Several hundred decisions went into that," I later thought to myself. "Speed up, slow down, take the corner broad, cut the corner close. Walk at the water station. Run through the water station. Check the watch. Check the watch again, and again, and again." And while each one of these decisions might have appeared tiny at the time, they were anything but. You see, all these decisions worked together to determine whether we reached our goal. Ironically, though, one bad choice here or there (and there were several) didn't undermine our attempts to complete the 26.2 miles in the time allotted when we immediately recognized the wrong choice and rectified it. For example, at one point Jody and I allowed the runners to meander through an aid station a little too long. After checking our watches, we immediately knew we were falling behind and so skipped the next water stop to make up for it. 

And you know, the Christian walk is much the same as a 26.2 mile race. There are millions of decisions that you and I will make on our journey to the ultimate finish line. Some will be good choices and some will be bad ones. Thankfully, though, when you and I make bad decisions that ultimately lead us to sin (and every one of us will), we can "confess our sins" and be made right. You see, the Bible tells us that Jesus "is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" if we come to Him with repentant hearts. That means you and I can jump back into the race when we've strayed off course no matter how much time we might have wasted. Is that great news or what? 

So if a series of bad choices has you feeling as if you'll never make up for lost time or be able to get back on track, remember that each new day is an opportunity to change the course of your life my friend. Simply confess your sin, repent, and allow Him to restore you. It's that easy. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that our sins don't have to define us or keep us where we are unless we let them. Remind us that we can be forgiven, made righteous and put back on the right path by confessing and repenting of our transgressions and bad decisions. Thank You for being faithful Lord. It's in your precious name we pray Jesus. Amen.

Happy Running!!!

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